Uploaded on Jun 7, 2022
The tattoo artist inserts the ink under your skin with a needle, so you should be very careful. If you take good tattoo care and follow the advice of the top tattoo artist in Kolkata it will heal smoothly.
How Should Tattoo Aftercare Tips Be Followed For A Proper Healing?
HOW ShOu ld Ta ttOO Afterc a re T ips Be FOllOW ed FOr A PrOpe r By Hea linL i zga rd?'s S kin Ta ttOOs A ta ttOO a rtis t ins erts the ink un der yOur skin using a needle, sO it 's alsO a m edical prOc edure. YOu m ust therefore be very c areful. Maintaining gOOd ta ttOO c are w ill ens ure that yOur ta ttOO heals smOOth ly. In a ddition tO vis itin g th e tOp tattOO artist in KOlkata, yOu m ust fo llOW the instruc tions Of th e ta ttOO a rtis t and take prOper c are Of yOur new ta ttOO. Keep the bandage on until it is time to take it off The tattoo artist wraps the tattoo in p lastic w rap or bandag e as soon as the tattoo is com pleted. M ake su re you keep it for the time recommended by the artist. Do not use any fancy soap or harsh solution Wash the tattooed area with mild soap and w arm water. Do not u se any fanc y so ap or h arsh solution on the new tattoo as it could cause an adverse reaction. Keep the area dry To dry your tattoo, pat it with a tissue and let it air dry for 5 minutes. Don't ap ply any c ream or lotion on it for at least 2 days sinc e it is in contact w ith other chem icals th at m ay interfere with the healing process. Apply the prescribed lotion It 's up to your tattoo artist to decide w hat lotion or ointment is best to use on your tattoo. Make sure you carefully follow the application instructions and the method for proper tattoo care. You can use it from the 3rd day onwards. Avoid sunlight, swimming and sour food Protect your tattoo from direct sunlight exposure. Also, swimming should be avoided for the next 2 or 3 weeks. You should stay away from sour food, especially tamarind for 3to 4 days. Don’t pick the dry skin Don't pick at the scabs or dry skin when your tattoo heals. You should resist scraping-out scabs that form on tattoos. Let it fall naturally to heal your tattoo. Moisturize your skin but don't wax You prevent your tattoo from becoming dry or itchy, m oisturize it at least once a day. Keep in m ind you should never wax your tattoo. For inquiries and concerns Contact Us Our Location 392/1, P rince Anw ar Sh ah Road , 1Osp tp oFlsoitoer Soof uCtehn C tirtayl MB aalln,k, Kolkata, W est B engal - 700045 Email address [email protected] Phone number +91-9051238122 Visit us on www.lizardsskintattoos.com Thank You! L i z a rd ' s Skin T a t t o o s