Oral Health and Dementia


Uploaded on Nov 27, 2019

How Regular Dental Visits Can Help Reduce Your Risk of Memory Diseases.



Oral Health and Dementia

Oral Health and Dementia How Regular Dental Visits Can Help Reduce Your Risk Over tthe ollafstt Mdeceamde,,o nerwy reDseiasrceha hsase ssurffaced tthatt has iindiicatted sometthiing tthatt denttiistts have llong been sayiing:: tthere iis a lliink bettween how wellll you ttake care off your tteetth and gums and your overallll healltth.. Butt whiille tthiis iinfformattiion has been known ffor some ttiime,, mDor..r ePa rrellecey nHtt ufifibnllderiin,, gJJrs.. opffo Liinuttc ttaos ttFhaem riiellyd uDcettniiottniis ttiinry tt ahger reiies off mtt sk heamtt,, o“rttyh ecroen’’sd iiattii orenasll,, bsuecnhe fifiatts tt Do ettamkeiinngttii ac,,a iirne poaff ryttoi url . t t icular. teeth ffor tthe llong--tterm bettttermentt off your healltth.. We wantt pattiientts tto know tthatt we ttake greatt care iin hellpiing to reduce the onset off gum diisease and are quiick tto ttreatt iitt whenever iitt appears tto hellp keep pattiientts’’ overallll healltth iinttactt..” Severall sttudiies have poiintted tto tthe connecttiion bettween lliingeriingbactteriia iin tthe moutth and gums tthatt can ttravell tthrough tthe blloodsttreamand iintto tthe braiin.. “There have been fifindiings tthatt suggestt as many as 4iin 10 pattiientts wiitth diiagnosed Dementtiia allso have a gum IItt’’s ffoubnadc ttiienr iittah ec abllllreadiin P aottr ptthey rttoiimeo noaff stt egsiinttiigniigv..a”ll iiTsh....e re iis sttiillll so much tthatt iis unknown aboutt tthe cause off Allzheiimer’’s Diisease and Dementtiia,, butt one tthiing iis ffor sure,, iitt’’s jjustt one more tthiing tto educatte pattiientts aboutt tto hellp tthem sttay as healltthy as possiiblle Research Suggest Good POarttriicaullla rH beacattelrtiiah,, ll iikCe otthuattl ffdou nImd iinp tthreo bvraeiin samplles where Dementtiia was allso presentt may be lliinked to other Oiissvuesr sauclhl aHs iiemamlutnhe responses and nerve cellll deatth.. “Thiis iis exttreme,, butt iitt driives home tthe poiintt off how iimporttantt iitt iis ffor pattiientts tto ttake care off ttheiir tteetth.. IItt’’s sometthiing tthatt conttiinues tto be ttaken ffor grantted and as denttall proffessiionalls,, we offffer a reall chance off conttriibuttiing tto tthe overallll iimprovementt and susttaiinabiilliitty off a pattiientt’’s generall healltth,,” says Dr.. Hubller.. Many peoplle tthiink tthatt healltth iis driiven by eattiing riightt and exerciisiing,, gettttiing enough slleep and avoiidiing sttressffull siittuattiions,, butt tthere iis much tto be saiid aboutt iincreasiing viisiitts tto tthe denttall offiffice,, regullar clleaniings,, and off course,, brushiing and flflossiing.. Dr.. Hubller goes on tto say,, “pattiientts may ffeell slliighttlly embarrassed when they are asked about theiir brushiing habiits,, but we don’’tt ask tthem tto shame tthem.. We ask tthem so we can gett an accuratte representtattiion off ttheiir orall healltth..” Faiilliing memory does nott have tto be a partt off olld--age,, yett younger and younger pattiientts are experiienciing iissues wiitth memory lloss,, Allzheiimer’’s diisease and Dementtiia.. IIff brushiing your tteetth regullarlly iis a siimplle tthiing tthatt can reduce tthe riisk off devellopiing tthese condiittiions,, iitt onlly makes sense tto iimpllementt tthatt siimplle sttep.. However,, despiitte repeatted conversattiions and diiscussiions aboutt how tto care ffor our tteetth and bodiies,, peoplle have allll kiinds off reasons ffor nott ttakiing ttheiir healltth and wellllness seriiouslly.. “IItt’’s jjustt human nature to thiink these thiings won’’t happen to us.. When you are ttallkiing aboutt sometthiing lliike Dementtiia,, mostt peoplle tthiink tthatt iitt’’s sometthiing tthey need tto worry aboutt when tthey are ollder,, butt now iis tthe ttiime tto ttake acttiion tto preventt iitt ffrom occurriing iin tthe fifirstt pllace..” Allllen denttiistt,, Dr.. Hubller,, JJr.. ttakes tthe ttiime tto expllaiin and remiind hiis pattiientts,, especiialllly adulltt pattiientts,, tthatt tthere’’s onlly one sett off tteetth tthatt need tto be ttaken care off and iitt shoulldn’’tt ttake a backseatt iin tthe overallll approach tto healltth.. FrequDenett nviistiittas ltt oP tthreo dfeenttsiisstt dioonn’’tt ajjulsstt h eCllpa ttno k eep your tt tBeee th a c l lean. . These viisiitts proviide iimporttantt iinfformattiion tto dPeanttrallt p rooffe sYsiioonuallrs aHboeutta ylotuhr o verallll healltth aMnda tthneay gproevmiidee ann otp pToerttaunmiitty ffor ffullll examiinattiions,, x--rays,, and assessmentts tto dettermiine gum healltth changes tthatt may iimpactt your healltth llatter on.. “The ttechnollogy we use ttoday allllows us tto creatte diigiittall piicttures off whatt someone’’s moutth and gums wiillll llook lliike years ffrom now iiff probllems aren’’tt sollved,, and we can use tthatt iinfformattiion tto hellp dettermiine how tto preventt and ttreatt tthose iissues beffore tthey become worse..” Riightt now,, much off tthe healltth iinfformattiion peoplle have iis deriived ffrom a viisiitt tto ttheiir ffamiilly docttor,, healltth speciialliistt,, or emergency room.. Pattiientts don’’tt tthiink tto tturn tto ttheiir denttall proffessiionalls tto gaiin iinsiightt iintto ttheiir healltth,, butt tthere’’s a reason why expecttantt motthers are refferred tto denttiistts duriing pregnancy:: “we know tthatt iissues iin tthe gums and moutth can ttravell tthrough tthe blloodsttream and iimpactt tthe baby’’s healltth.. Pregnantt women are encouraged tto see a denttiistt earlly on tto dettermiine tthe sttatte off ttheiir orall healltth and tto preventt iissues ffrom ariisiing duriing tthe pregnancy,,” remiinds Dr.. Hubller.. More Research Could Shed Whiille m f t i Liugchh otf wohant isO kpnopwon aboutt Allzheiimer’’s diisease and Dementtiia beffalllls mediicallr dtoucttnorist aineds re sfeoarrc hers,, denttPall rperovffeessniiontaillos anre a jjunsttd stt aTrttriinega ttot gmette iinn otn tthe conversattiion and conttriibutte tto whatt coulld be a massiivelly new approach to iimproviing heallth and wellllness.. Much off tthe assumpttiions aboutt how tto preventt and manage such condiittiions are based iin ttheory and more research and ttesttiing iis needed tto confifirm tthe connecttiion.. “IItt’’s realllly a chiicken and egg siittuattiion,,” commentts Dr.. Hubller,, “iitt’’s nott yett known iiff tthe bactteriia causes or iis lliinked tto Dementtiia or Dementtiia iis causiing tthe bactteriiall buiilld up..” Onlly ttiime wiillll ttellll as research conttiinues..