Step-Wise Procedure of Vulnerability Assessment


Uploaded on Feb 20, 2020

Category Technology

Here are the steps that you need to follow when you perform a vulnerability assessment in your business. Also, learn ESDS VTMScan can be a great vulnerability scanning tool

Category Technology



Step-Wise Procedure of Vulnerability Assessment

Step-Wise Procedure of Vulnerability Assessment What is Vulnerability Assessment? • Vulnerability assessment is the process of identifying the top vulnerabilities present in the user network systems • A vulnerability assessment helps in identifying the systems having the most number of vulnerabilities and remain critical on the user network • Vulnerability assessment aids the users with a proactive approach needed for cybersecurity and understanding the cyber risks present in the organization Steps Involved in Vulnerability Assessment Step #1: Initial Assessment • User needs to gain information about all his systems and assign them risk and critical value for his devices • It becomes important for the user to understand if his devices are accessible by any other member Step #2: Gaining System Information • User needs to gain information about all his systems and assign them risk and critical value for his devices • It becomes important for the user to understand if his devices are accessible by any other member Step #3: Perform Scanning • Once the system information has been gathered, the user has to use a scanning tool to achieve the desired outcomes • Also, the user needs to determine the best time for performing the vulnerability scanning Step #4: Generating Vulnerability Report • This is considered to be the most important step in the vulnerability scanning procedure • User needs to emphasize for finding any additional values based on the recommendations provided in the assessment report • Users also need to add the risk mitigation techniques that depend directly on the criticalness of his assets and their results Step #5: Remediation Process • Once the scan results have been documented by assigning priorities defined for each device, the user needs to create a remediation process • Remediation process defines the degree of severity and urgency for remediating each vulnerability How ESDS VTMScan Helps You? With ESDS VTMScan You • ESDS VTMScan is a Get complete advanced vulnerability scanner  Faster Responses  that examines various Proactive and Dedicated Team vulnerabilities to  In-depth Scanning determine any upcoming  Thorough Solution threats and dangers on  Advanced Security the user website  Enriched User Experience  Enhanced Protection for Web Applications To, leverage ESDS VTMScan and its benefits for web and web application, VISIT- an Let’s Conclude Attackers are on the rise and constantly looking to take advantage through pitfalls in the business's vulnerability assessment plan. VISIT ESDS @ [email protected] 1800 209 3006