"ServicePlus - Total Home Warranty Service. There is no second thought that a dishwasher is a very useful thing for regular life. Your dishwasher can make your life very convenient by cleaning all the dishes. Unfortunately, many homeowners do not worry about dishwasher maintenance because they believe that the dishwasher will clean itself. Since we use the dishwasher every day, it is necessary to perform regular maintenance on it. Without proper maintenance, in the future, the dishwasher will start to develop various problems, leading to more inconvenience for you. As a reputed home warranty company in America, we will provide some excellent tips in this article to help your dishwasher last for a long time. Wash the dishwasher's filter regularly: Not cleaning your dishwasher regularly can lead to unpleasant odors and debris buildup. Take some time regularly to clean the dishwasher filter. If you're not sure what type of filter your dishwasher has, consult your product manual. If it's a manual filter, make sure to clean it thoroughly to ensure it can provide you with the best performance. In most dishwashers, you will find the filter on the bottom of the unit. More specifically, you will find it beneath the lower arm. Some models come with a lower flat filter and an upper cylindrical filter. Remove the filter gently and use soap and warm running water to clean it."