Uploaded on Feb 12, 2020
The Marston Hill is an Intercultural Center for Quality Of Life that is located right between the natural beauty in Sweden. Experience productivity and creativity in one place.
Intercultural Center for Quality Of Life within Nature
INTERCULTURAL CENTRE FOR QUALITY OF LIFE About Us The Marston Hill has been an intercultural centre since year 1924. It is located at a hill slope giving you the best scenic perspective of the Mullsjö valley and lake. The main motive of building this centre was to provide the people from across the world “A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE.” Wh ere is the Mar sto n Hill ? Fro m wh ere do The Marston Hill is locpaetoed at the bottom of the ple green hills of the Mullsjövi svi alley with a view of the lake and lush tall grass. t?Come to enjoy the scenic view of the clear blue sky and the calm hills. It has become one of a kind destination that is filled with spiritual and intellectual enlightenment. Since 1924, this bed and breakfast in Sweden have offered its comfortable and warm facilities to people from all over the world. People from India, China, and Europe visit Marston Hill with the expectation of feeling close to diversity. Wh at ser vic es an d act ivit ies are off ere d at There is a lot to do at MaMraston Hill Hotel because it is more than a hotel. Not onrslyt does it provide delicious meals and comfortable beodn Hildl ing, but it also offers a multicultural exposure. M?arston Hill is the best intercultural center for qua lity of life. Witnessing the performances, workshops, and conversations between people from all over the world will leave a lasting impression of the diversity of the world. There are plenty of activities to engage in at Marston Hill with European and non-European activities which include adventurous sports such as skiing, hiking, canoeing, and cycling. Dancing, golf, yoga, and Qi Gong are calm activities that anyone can participate in. Wh at do es the ce nte r of int erc ult ura l qu alit y Enhance the quality of lioffe through workshops and motivational conversatiolnifes offered by some of the most inspirational peoplem ein the world. Marston Hill is profoundly known as ta?h n e intercultural center for quality of life. This is mainly because it is a non- profit organization that is based on enhancing all human connections between one another by promoting the ideas that could improve the quality of life. The theory is as simple as uniting ideas, contributions, and donations into this cause to draft out the possibilities of better cultural interactions. Contact us Address: Marston Hill Havstenshultsliden 12, 565, 32 MULLSJÖ Call: +46(0)705-954059 +46(0)705-22140 Mail: [email protected]