BotPenguin- A Chatbot for Website


Uploaded on Dec 10, 2019

BotPenguin is an AI powered chatbot platform that enables you to quickly and easily build incredible chatbots to communicate and engage your customers on website, Facebook messenger and other platforms. Visit:



BotPenguin- A Chatbot for Website

BotPenguin A CH A T B O T M A K E R CO M P A N Y W E B S I T E U R L: H TT P S : / / B O TP E N G U I N . C O M / About Company BotPenguin is one of the leading AI powered chatbot platform that enables you to quickly and easily build incredible chatbots to communicate and engage your customers on website, Facebook messenger and other platforms. What is a Chatbot for Website? Chatbots are those Artificial Intelligence systems that can interact through text or voice interface (are called Voice Bots as well). They are of two types: Rule-based and Artificial Intelligence. Rule-based bots answer queries based on some rules set for them and are not trained to answer complex questions whereas Conversational AI allows bots to learn through machine learning and these provide the more human touch in their conversations. Read More: hatbot-for-website Do you think ? If you are getting instant replies does it mean that business’ man power is sitting with their devices for conversation and their customer service is efficient. Undoubtedly their customer services is efficient but secret is not Humans but Bots. Yes you read right, its CHATBOTS. Why are Chatbots for Websites Important?  Speed of Issue Resolution  Convenience  Natural Language Processing  Zero Development Time  Zero Setup cost  24/7 service  Conversational UI  Deep Analytics  Easy to Integrate Contact Us You are losing 40% of customers by not implementing a chatbot for your website. If you want to partner with or know more then Contact Us. Call Us: +91-78145 14838 Drop Us Email: [email protected] Website URL: THANK YOU