Give Your Home a Stunning Makeover with Timber Flooring


Uploaded on Feb 20, 2023

Whether you are building a new home or revamping the existing one, there are a dozen of decisions to make. Right from deciding the colour of your walls to picking the right kind of flooring, there are many things to consider. Choosing the right type of flooring is one of the most important and hardest decisions to make. With numerous options like tiles, carpet, timber and concrete; picking up the right thing for your home can be tough. Visit:



Give Your Home a Stunning Makeover with Timber Flooring

GIVE YOUR HOME A STUNNING MAKEOVER WITH TIMBER FLOORING Whether you are building a new home or revamping the existing one, there are a dozen of decisions to make. Right from deciding the colour of your walls to picking the right kind of fl ooring, there are many things to consider. Choosing the right type of fl ooring is one of the most important and hardest decisions to make. With numerous options l ike ti les, carpet, t imber and concrete; picking up the right thing for your home can be tough. Why Timber Flooring is the Right Choice? Among diff erent types of fl ooring, timber fl oor has been a popular choice for homes or commercial facil it ies l ike a corporate offi ce. This kind of fl ooring not only provides a personality and appeal to the decor but is extremely durable and easy to maintain. Providing a softer underfoot than your regular ti les, timber can give your home/commercial property a warm and welcoming ambience. Whether it’s a traditional l iving space or a contemporary Australian home, timber fl ooring is a perfect choice. What are the Advantages of Getting Timber Flooring in Your Home? A premium quality timber fl oor off ers numerous advantages to your home. It’s a tough and durable option as compared to several other fl ooring products available in the market. Besides, it’s easy to clean, unlike the carpeted fl oors which trap dirt and pollutants over the years. A high-quality timber fl oor is also known for its longevity; it can last for years if properly maintained, while a carpeted fl oor needs replacement after every 10- 15 years. In addition to this, t imber fl oors are a more practical choice, as it’s low maintenance. You don’t require to spend a hefty amount of money in the upkeep of these fl oors. Moreover, cleaning timber fl oors is relatively simple, and only requires an anti-static mop to clean the dust. You can also use a damp mop and an approved cleaning product once every month to keep the fl oor sparkling. If you have pets or kids or anyone with an allergy, timber fl oors are the best alternative, as they are comparatively more hygienic. These fl oors don’t stain or retain odors. Moreover, t imber fl oors don’t harbor insects or trap the allergens which means you can maintain a healthy home environment. The look timber fl ooring gives your home wil l never go out of style and almost fi ts into every interior design trends. I f you’re contemplating about having a new fl oor for your home, contact Marcelle Bagu. A reputed and prominent female carpenter in Melbourne, she has wide experience of building exquisite timber fl oors that complements your property and is easy on your pocket. CONTACT US 0411 101 299 [email protected]. au au Mount Evelyn,Victoria, 3796 Australia