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Anesthesia medical billing and coding are difficult than other billing. For anesthesia billing, a different set of procedures used. There are chances of getting billing errors. Let’s discuss how to avoid anesthesia medical billing errors.
How to Avoid Anesthesia Medical Billing Errors
How to Avoid Anesthesia Medical Billing Errors? www.mgsionline. com Introduction Anesthesia medical billing and coding are difficult than other billing. For anesthesia billing, a different set of procedures used. There are chances of getting billing errors. Let’s discuss how to avoid anesthesia medical billing errors. www.mgsionline.com Avoiding Billing Errors and Including Special codes The quality check ensures error-free claims. Extra care needs for anesthesia billing to increase reimbursement. The same applies to the inclusion of special codes for anesthesia billing. www.mgsionline.com Time Matters In anesthesia billing, recording the start and stop time of service is an important task. Based on these times claims are processed. Rounding the time leads to errors. By outsourcing anesthesia billing to experienced anesthesia billing company these errors can be reduced. www.mgsionline.com Modifiers 3 types of anesthetic procedures General MAC (Monitored Anesthesia Care) Total Intravenous Anesthesia (TIVA). Each procedure uses different modifiers. Use right modifiers for anesthesia coding. www.mgsionline.com Documentation Proper documentation supports the medical claim processing. Anesthesia billing being documented without overlapping case times. An experienced anesthesia medical billing company can do this documentation exceptionally well. www.mgsionline.com About MGSI If you are getting these anesthesia billing errors and couldn’t find a solution, Then outsource medical billing to us. MGSI is the best choice for you. www.mgsionline.com Contact US For any queries, you can reach us. Call: 877-896-6474 Email us: [email protected] Visit us: www.mgsionline.com www.mgsionline.com www.mgsionline.com