Evangelism is very important for attracting others for believing in Jesus


Uploaded on Sep 1, 2021

Category Spiritual

Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Books, Prints and Supplies Born Again Christians with a product (Books) that they can use to reach lost souls in their cities. The Books contain the testimonies of born again Christians, with the Word of God, placed on pages between the testimonies. Visit https://www.reallifestoriesbooks.com/

Category Spiritual



Evangelism is very important for attracting others for believing in Jesus

Evangelism is very important for attracting others for believing in Jesus Evangelism Resources Real Life Stories Christian Testimonies are True Stories on Video. These Stories of Hope, Testimonies, on Video, are great tools for Evangelism, Discipleship, and bringing people to Salvation. These Christian Testimony Videos each feature a different Christian Testimony and are great  Evangelism Resources and Discipleship Resources. Our Discipleship Training Format makes it very easy for any Christian to learn how to effectively share their testimony. Discipleship Resources We provide the best evangelism resources for increasing belief in Jesus and also appeal to non-followers to believe Jesus. Evangelism is very important for attracting others for believing in Jesus and making them confident that Jesus will change their lives and solve all their problems. So keep reading Discipleship Resources and inspirational books for making your belief in Jesus stronger and increasing the hope for a better life. CONTACT US Reall Liife Storiies Chriistiian Testiimony Books 815 S.. Babcock Rd,, Portter,, IIndiiana 46304 Uniitted Sttattes Phone:: 219-762-7589 Hours off Operattiion :: 8am tto 8pm Websiitte:: httttp::////www..realllliiffesttoriiesbooks..com//