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Real Life Stories Books bring Hope and Encouragement into all of Life s Storms such as Divorce, Job Loss, Depression, Abuse, Loneliness, Death, Violence, Addictions, Fear, Sickness and much more Download your free copy today! Reallifestoriesbooks.com
You Are a New Person- REAL LIFE STORIES
You Are a New Person- REAL LIFE STORIES www.reallifestoriesbooks.com The Biiblle says:: ““When someone becomes a Chrriisttiian,, he becomes a brrand new perrson iinsiide.. He iis nott tthe same any morre.. A new lliiffe has begun!!”” 2 Corriintthiians 5::17 Say tthiis:: II am a new perrson.. II have a new lliiffe,, a God centterred lliiffe.. The Biiblle says:: ““Allll tthese new tthiings arre ffrrom God,, who brroughtt us back tto Hiimsellff tthrrough whatt Chrriistt JJesus diid.. And God has giiven us tthe prriiviillege off urrgiing everryone tto come iintto Hiis ffavorr and be rreconciilled tto Hiim..”” 2 Corriintthiians 5::18 The Biiblle says:: ““He diied fforr allll so tthatt allll who lliive ------ haviing rreceiived etterrnall lliiffe ffrrom Hiim ------ miightt lliive no llongerr fforr tthemsellves,, tto pllease tthemsellves,, butt tto spend ttheiirr lliives plleasiing Chrriistt who diied and rrose agaiin fforr tthem..”” 2 Corriintthiians 5::15 JJesus diied so you coulld have etterrnall lliiffe wiitth Hiim iin Heaven.. JJesus iis calllliing you tto now lliive fforr Hiim,, doiing onlly tthose tthiings wiitth yourr lliiffe tthatt woulld pllease Hiim.. To llearrn morre aboutt whatt you shoulld now do,, Reall Liiffe Sttorriies Off Hope.. God brriidged tthe gap off siin bettween you and Hiim by JJesus dyiing on tthe crross.. He now has giiven you tthe honorr and prriiviillege off ttelllliing peoplle how tto ffiind tthatt same ffavorr wiitth God tthrrough whatt JJesus has done fforr tthem.. Contact Us : Address: 815 S. Babcock Rd, Porter , Indiiana , 46304, US Phone 219-762-7589 Gmaiill: [email protected] Websiite: http://www.realllliiffestoriiesbooks.com