HR Consultancy Services


Uploaded on Apr 22, 2020

Category Career & HR

HR Consultancy Services at MM Enterprises encompass a wide spectrum of Human Resource Processes that smoothly drive an organisation towards success. And our expertise lies in the timely execution of agreed upon tasks and efficient results. We cater to your varied needs in terms of ongoing HR assistance, staffing solutions, strategic support on human capital investment, payroll management and other related procedures. The scope of our services is not geographically restricted; hence we successfully work for multinational clients. If you too are running a business globally, you can outsource HR Services to India & we’ll take hold of your needs through our cloud-based systems. Our proficient team offers you the most appropriate solutions. If you are looking for HR Consultancy in India, your search ends here – MM Enterprises is the name!

Category Career & HR



HR Consultancy Services

HR CONSULTANCY SERVICES Presented By- MME Payroll India ABOUT MME  MM Enterprises is an ISO 9001:2008 Certi fi ed Company  ensuring the quality of services. MME off ers complete support to the cl ients for meeti ng its recruitment, payroll outsource  and other  customized HR  Services requirements. The package includes handling comprehensive features of the profi le from Sourcing, Selecti on, Short l isti ng, Interviews, and Recruitment.  We also off er  tai lored Resume Writi ng Services for al l job aspirants and believe in draft ing highly professional but actual resumes and cover lett ers that help to make the best possible impression when applying for jobs. MME SERVICES-  Recruitment Consultants  Payrol l Outsource and Payrol l Management  Staffi ng /Manpower Outsourcing  Internati onal Recruitment ( Executi ve Staff ) BENEFITS OF HR CONSULTANTS  Initi ate human resource programs and projects as per the guidelines of the concerned organizati on. Update the company about the new labor laws and statutory compliance for payroll management. Keep the records of employee  leave, att endance, pay slip, tax summary, PF, Gratuity, health benefi t schemes etc. through employee management soft ware Hiring human resource department within the organizati on will give you loads of expenses right from the cost involved in running a separate secti on to the salaries of the employees and various other miscellaneous expenditures. For instance, MME off ers you various rati onal packages for eff ecti vely managing all the functi ons of human resources in your company. TYPE OF WORK PROCESS WE FOLLOW When we take up any business project, we defi ne HR strategies keeping in mind the success & growth of the organization. Before embarking on any assignment, we spend signifi cant time to understand your business culture & ethics and accordingly provide personalized HR assistance. Our result-based approach helps us in delivering solutions that are sure to impact positively in future. Unlike various  HR Consultancy Services in India , we frame our activities around the resources & expertise at hand to build feasible & streamlined process. 3 key factors that infl uence the type of work process we adopt are: Project Scope. Client’s Project Preferences. Level of Complexity. SCOPE OF OUR OUTSOURCE HR SERVICES WORKPLACE ADMINISTRATION.  MANPOWER PLANNING.  PERFORMANCE  MANAGEMENT.  COMPENSATION PLANNING.  EMPLOYEE LEAVE .  GRIEVANCE MANAGEMENT. CONTACT US- MME HR Consultancy (M.M Enterprises) Phone: 011 41539088/18 Mobile: +91 9310081163 Website: htt p:// Mail Us: [email protected]