Uploaded on Sep 12, 2019
Get BLS Certification Online or renew your BLS the easy way by us. Basic Life Support Training Courses for health care providers to develop lifesaving skills.
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BLS CERTIFICATION Nationwiide Heallth Traiiniing iis a lleadiing proviider iin BLS,, PALS and ACLS certification onlliine courses.. Mediicall professiionalls from allll 50 states have enrolllled iin our onlliine cllasses to earn theiir certification,, traiiniing,, or ongoiing education.. CPR Certification https://www.cprcertificatio ncourses.com/ Our BLS certitifificatition onlliine cllass iis complleted entitirelly onlliine at a titime that iis conveniient for you.. Once you regiister,, you wiillll have access to the course 24-hrs a day.. IIn addiitition to the basiic lliife support course,, we offffer a BLS renewall course iif your certitifificatition card has expiired.. Our traiiniing course iis offffered complletelly onlliine and iis an iideall optition for iindiiviidualls who have busy work schedulles and can’’t attend iin-person cllasses.. The course and exam are avaiillablle 24-hours a day,, no priior schedulliing iis requiired.. We receiive a llot of questitions from iindiiviidualls askiing what the diifffference between CPR and BLS traiiniing and whiich course they are requiired to take.. BLS iis more advanced than CPR and wiillll cover areas that are out of the scope of jjust generall cardiiopullmonary resusciitatition.. Examplles of these topiics are team dynamiics,, iin-hospiitall procedures and admiiniisteriing oxygen.. https://www.cprcertificationcourses.com / The certitifificatition course and study materiialls offffered by Natitionwiide Heallth Traiiniing were created by mediicall professiionalls usiing current emergency cardiiac care guiidelliines as set forth by the Ameriican Heart Associiatition.. The topiics iincllude siinglle person and team rescuer basiic lliife support skiilllls,, hiigh-qualliity CPR,, team dynamiics,, condiitition based allgoriithms and iin & out of hospiitall rescue protocoll.. The AHA relleases the ECC guiidelliine changes every fifive years,, iin whiich titime,, allll Natitionwiide Heallth Traiiniing courses are reviiewed and updated.. The BLS guiidelliines were llast changed iin 2015 and wiillll not be updated agaiin untitill 2020.. Our course reflflects the 2015 changes.. https://www.cprcertificationcourses.com/ CONTACT US NATIONWIDE HEALTH TRAINING P.O. BOX 40157, BELLEVUE, WA98015 866-672-2235 https://www.cprcertificationcourses.com/