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Nationwide Health Training accredited online classes are fast & convenient. We have been training healthcare professionals for 7 years and certifying thousands of happy customers each day.Earn your PALS certification online. Our course comes with PALS pretest and study guide materials to get you prepared and trained. All materials included. Learn at your own pace. Start a course today.
PALS Online Certification
PALS Online Certification Nationwiide Heallth Traiiniing PALS certification onlliine course iis a conveniient onlliine option for busy heallthcare professiionalls that are requiired to be traiined and certifified iin pediiatriic advanced lliife support.. What is PALS ? Pediiatriic Advanced Liife Support(PALS) The Onlliine PALS Certification traiiniing course wiillll hellp heallthcare proviiders devellop the knowlledge and skiilllls requiired to manage certaiin types of pediiatriic emergenciies iinclludiing respiiratory and cardiiovascullar arrest.. Priimary Audiience: • Physiiciians • Pharmaciists • EMTs/Paramediics • Respiiratory Therapiists What are the objective of this course Our fast certification course iis generalllly complleted iin 90 miinutes dependiing on your llevell of experiience. There iis no time lliimiit, so we encourage individuals to take as much time as they need to review the iinformation. The PALS online certification exam iis complleted entirelly onlliine and iis mulltiplle choiice. In order to earn your pediiatriic advanced lliife support certification, a passiing score of 80% on the exam iis requiired. If you don’t receiive a passiing score on your first attempt, you wiillll have two extra attempts at receiiviing a passiing score. Look for an American Heart Association (AHA) program Check on the AHA websiite to find an AHA Training Center iin your llocall area. Course materiialls were created usiing Ameriican Heart Associiation guiidelliines iin conjunction wiith mediicall lliiterature and are reviiewed and updated to coiinciide wiith the ECC guidelines set forth by the AHA. Choosing Your Learning Way Course Guideline In 2015, the AHA relleased theiir 5-year guiidelliine updates. The 2015 updates wiillll be good untill 2020. Our PALS certification course wiillll note changes to the guiidelliines, whiille our priimary certification course wiillll iincllude the updates but not hiighlliight them. Notablle updates to the guiidelliines were: 1. Controll temperature and manage fevers iin certaiin types of scenariios 2. Use of amiodarone or lidocaine is acceptable for certain types of treatments 3.Use of routine atropiine iis unnecessary 4. Flluiid resusciitation reassessment Our PALS Certification Courses Therefore,, PALS Onlliine Certification iis requiired iin addiition to ACLS for proviiders that care for chiilldren.. IIf you are requiired to have both your PALS and ACLS certifification,, we offer a speciiall bundlle priice iif you regiister for both courses.... How our courses work ! Our courses are allll-iincllusiive so they do not requiire you to purchase any addiitionall study materiialls or proviider manualls.. Each course iinclludes the follllowiing: 1) Compllete PALS Certification onlliine traiiniing materiiall coveriing allll iinformation you''llll need to pass the exam 2)Onlliine exam 3) IInstant PDF priintablle card you can use for iimmediiate proof of coverage 4) Hard copy proviider card 5) Free shiippiing for hard copy card to you anywhere iin the continentall US 6) 2 years of coverage before card expiires 7) Support for allll majjor deviice types (desktop computer,, llaptop computer,, tabllets and mobiille phones) Frequently Asked Questions 1)) Our Courses Natitionalllly Accepted? Answer:: Yes,, our cllasses were desiigned by a natitionalllly traiined AHA iinstructor.. Our cllasses follllow allll the llatest AHA and ECC guiidelliines and are accrediited natitionalllly.. Pllease check wiith your organiizatition or work pllace to ensure cllasses fullfifillll theiir requiirements.. 2.. What Happens IIf II Don’’t Pass The Test At The End Of The Course? Answer:: You’’llll be ablle to take the test as many titimes as needed to pass the test and receiive your certitifificatition wiith no addiititionall charges.. 3.. What Kiind Of Questitions Are On The Test? Answer:: the test consiist of 25 questitions true/fallse and mulltitiplle choiice questitions that are converted iin the onlliine traiiniing program.. 4.. How Long IIs My Certitifificatition Traiiniing Good For? Answer:: Allll of our onlliine certitifificatition traiiniing programs are good for 2 years from date of iissue.. 5.. What Are The Cost Of Your Onlliine Traiiniing? Answer:: Our onlliine course cost as follllows $19..95 for the PALS Traiiniing and the combo course whiich iinclludes PALS ONLIINE CERTIIFIICATIION for $249.. 6.. Do II Have To Fiiniish A Course Program IIn One Siittitting? Answer:: No you don’’t,, you wiillll have 90 days to pass any of our programs at your own pace.. Just remember to go to your maiill and clliick on the manuall or test lliink for the cllass.. What to Expect When Looking for PALS Online Course Authenticity of the course When you search for the best iinstitutions to do your PALS Certification Onlliine Course from,, make sure to llook for proofs of authenticiity whiich assure you.. IIt iis very iimportant for theiir course to be recogniized and affiffilliiated by the mediicall lliicensiing board,, or iit woulld do you no good.. Cost of the course IIf you are takiing an onlliine course for the fifirst time,, you miight consiider iit to be more costlly than takiing physiicall cllasses and getting your certifificate.. However,, there iis not much of a diifference iin the cost of the two,, but you need to compare costs between the courses of diifferent websiites,, and see whiich suiits your budget.. No time restrictions IIf you are goiing for an PALS Certification onlliine course,, you shoulld expect that there are no time restriictions for complleting the course.. Avoiid choosiing a course that restriicts the time you have to compllete the course,, because iit wiillll hamper your llearniing.. Allso,, there are some iinstitutions whiich llet you compllete the exam wiith no time lliimiit,, and allso allllow you to take an unlliimiited number of retakes.. IIf you opt to take your course from one of these websiites,, you wiillll be mentalllly rellaxed,, and wiillll be ablle to llearn freelly.. Good Reviews IIf you are new to onlliine llearniing,, you shoulld allways ask around.. Word of mouth iis one of the best sources for receiiviing authentic and genuiine reviiews about anythiing.. You can search for someone iin the mediicall fraterniity who must’’ve attempted the course onlliine,, and you can take theiir adviice to go forward wiith iit.. The websiites whiich offer you these onlliine courses allso have reviiews and testimoniialls on them,, whiich greatlly hellp you to make your deciisiion.. CONTACT US NATIONWIDE HEALTH TRAINING P.O. BOX 40157, BELLEVUE, WA98015 866-672-2235