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A Complete GuiDe: How to Become a MuleSoft Experience Manager
MuleS oft MCPA-Le vel-1 MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect - Level 1 Question: 1 Refer to the exhibit. What is the best way to decompose one end-to-end business process into a collaboration of Experience, Process, and System APIs? A) Handle customizations for the end-user application at the Process API level rather than the Experience API level B) Allow System APIs to return data that is NOT currently required by the identified Process or Experience APIs C) Always use a tiered approach by creating exactly one API for each of the 3 layers (Experience, Process and System APIs) D) Use a Process API to orchestrate calls to multiple System APIs, but NOT to other Process APIs A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Answer: C Question: 2 How can the application of a rate limiting API policy be accurately reflected in the RAML definition of an API? A. By refining the resource definitions by adding a description of the rate limiting policy behavior B. By refining the request definitions by adding a remaining Requests query parameter with description, type, and example C. By refining the response definitions by adding the out-of-the-box Anypoint Platform rate-limit-enforcement securityScheme with description, type, and example D. By refining the response definitions by adding the x-ratelimit-* response headers with description, type, and example Answer: D Question: 3 Refer to the exhibit. An organization is running a Mule standalone runtime and has configured Active Directory as the Anypoint Platform external Identity Provider. The organization does not have budget for other system components. What policy should be applied to all instances of APIs in the organization to most effecuvelyKestrict access to a specific group of internal users? A. Apply a basic authentication - LDAP policy; the internal Active Directory will be configured as the LDAP source for authenticating users B. Apply a client ID enforcement policy; the specific group of users will configure their client applications to use their specific client credentials C. Apply an IP whitelist policy; only the specific users' workstations will be in the whitelist D. Apply an OAuth 2.0 access token enforcement policy; the internal Active Directory will be configured as the OAuth server Answer: A Question: 4 How are an API implementation, API client, and API consumer combined to invoke and process an API? A. The API consumer creates an API implementation, which receives API invocations from an API such that they are processed for an API client B. The API client creates an API consumer, which receives API invocations from an API such that they are processed for an API implementation C. The ApI consumer creates an API client, which sends API invocations to an API such that they are processed by an API implementation D. The ApI client creates an API consumer, which sends API invocations to an API such that they are processed by an API implementation Answer: C Question: 5 A Mule application exposes an HTTPS endpoint and is deployed to the CloudHub Shared Worker Cloud. All traffic to that Mule application must stay inside the AWS VPC. To what TCP port do API invocations to that Mule application need to be sent? A. 443 B. 8081 C. 8091 D. 8092 Answer: D Explanation https://help.mulesoft.com/s/question/0D52T00004mXXULSA4/multiple-http-listerners-on-cloudhub- one-with-port-909 Question: 6 What is the most performant out-of-the-box solution in Anypoint Platform to track transaction state in an asynchronously executing long-running process implemented as a Mule application deployed to multiple CloudHub workers? A. Redis distributed cache B. java.util.WeakHashMap C. Persistent Object Store D. File-based storage Answer: D