QuickBooks Installation Error 1904 during Install Adobe Flash Player


Uploaded on Feb 3, 2021

Category Business

When you are trying to Install QuickBooks Desktop, QB getting an Error Code 1904 on your screen. Message received "Error 1904: [file path/name/extension] failed to register". On the other-hand another reason to facing this issue during the installation of Adobe Flash Player on your system.

Category Business



QuickBooks Installation Error 1904 during Install Adobe Flash Player

QUICKBOOKS INSTALLATION ERROR QuickBooks Error 1904 When Install QuickBooks Desktop What is Error 1904 Error 1904 is related to Installation, when you are trying to Install QuickBooks Desktop. QB Desktop getting an error code 1904 on your screen. Message received "Error 1904: [file path/name/extension] failed to register". On the other hand, when trying to Install Adobe Flash Player on your system. Another QuickBooks Desktop Issue 80029c4a.. Causes Company files get damaged Damaged the MS Visual C++ During Install Adobe Flash Player Follow Steps to Fix Eror 1904, during Install Adobe Flash Player • Download and run the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool ⚬ Goto QuickBooks.Intuit.com ⚬ Download QuickBooks Diagnostic Tool ⚬ Save the Setup file on your desktop ⚬ After QIDT download, you will see the ‘QBInstall_tool_v2.exe’ on your screen ⚬ Click on the QBInstall_tool_v2.exe file to Run ⚬ Restart your system ⚬ Need to close all other apps running in the background 2. Click on the Windows Start menu 3. Open Control Panel 4. Goto Uninstall a program option 5. Find then Select Adobe Flash Player ActiveX from the list 6. Click to Uninstall Adobe Flash Player 7. Follow all 8. Now, You cani ntsrytr utoc tDioonwsnload and Reinstall Adobe Flash Player again Contact Detail... Call 1(800)986-6931 Email Come and say hi! [email protected] Website: www.onlinechat247.org