Uploaded on Sep 24, 2019
Whenever they feel that now they do not need a POF subscription any more then they can unhesitatingly call for the membership cancellation exercise. As per the impeccable business standards of Plenty of Fish, they get POF Refund if it is a genuine case and subscribers have money left in the account.
1(888)509-3806 cancelling pof subscription pof refund pof support
Toll Free No 1888-509-3809 Plenty of Fish POF Customer Service Helpdesk In case you’re looking POF client care helpdesk, you presumably definitely know their identity. Be that as it may, it gets a thought of how huge they are and what their help task looks like in the event that you are a client. Plenty of fish additionally passes by or is related with the names Plenty of fish, POF, POF.com, Plenty Of Fish Media Inc. They are viewed as a major aspect of the accompanying segments and enterprises: Information Technology, Software and Services, Internet Software and Services. POF is related with terms like private, web, innovation, portable, b2c, web administrations and applications, data innovation and administrations by their clients and industry experts. Their opposition, according to clients, are orgVainsiizta twioensb lsikitee M: atch.com, eHarmony, OkCupid. They utilize 75 individuals as per clients up to date. https://www.dating-guideus.com/pof-customer-service/ A Quick Guide To Deactivate, Remove, Delete POF Account. The Internet plays an essential role in the business and corporate world as it does in the educational field. However, its use is not constrained to just that, it is utilized even to extend personal relationships as done through the various dating websites. With the aid of the internet, people become members of the dating websites and look for their compatible match over it. One such dating website is the POF, of which we will talking in some detail in the present writeup. POF (Plenty of fish) is a Canadian online dating service founded in the year 2013, with its headquarters in Vancouver,British Columbia and Canada.This online dating service is popular mainly in Canada, the United Kingdom,Ireland, Australia,New Zealand, Brazil, and the United States. The present writeup about the Plenty of Fish account deals with the areas as the reasons that cause users to delete plenty of fish account, accurate procedure to delete POF account from mobile and computer.So without much ado let’s get started! A. Deleting & Cancelling POF Account Subscription on Android Phone & Tablet: 1. First of all, on your Android phone, open the Google Play Store app. 2. Now under the Play store menu, go to the “Account” section. 3. Tap on the “Subscriptions” option. 4. Now select the app of the subscription you would like to cancel. 5. Click on “Cancel” and “Yes” to confirm the cancellation of the POF app on your Android phone or tablet. B. Deleting & Cancelling POF Account Subscription on Apple iPhone: 1. On the settings of your phone, select and open iTunes and Apple store. 2 . Tap on the Apple ID, present on the top of the screen . 3. Touch on the “View Apple ID”. 4. Tap on “Subscriptions”. 5. Select” Plenty of Fish” membership. 6. Using the given options, cancel your monthly membership. 7. As the last step , touch” POF Cancel subscription” to cancel your subscription. Toll Free No 1-888- 509-3809 Easy Ways to Fix POF Delete Account ASPX If you still face some issues in the way of deleting your existing Plenty of Fish account, read the easy steps below for pof delete account aspx to avail the help of POF customer support for the same. You can call their support staff toll free using plentyoffish.com or can reach out to their POF support phone number : 888-509-3809 If accessible, you can directly reach out to their address i.e 142-757 West Hastings, PMB 670, Vancouver, V6C 1A1. Hope you made a careful note of the procedure to delete the POF account on both mobile phone and computer . We will be glad to receive your feedback regarding the writeup and suggestions regarding the topics for the further writeups. Keep reading this space to stay technologically updated. Call 1-888-509-3806 Email: [email protected] Address: 535 Kinder Hook Rd Columbia,Pennsylvania (PA), 17512 Website: https://www.dating-guideus.com/pof-customer-servic e/