LED Lighting for your Home & Business - PretMetLed.nl


Uploaded on Mar 18, 2020

The best-priced light bulbs, tubes and control gear online from the most reputable brands around. Massive stock of fluorescent tubes and LED products for your home and business. Shop today from PretMetled.nl.



LED Lighting for your Home & Business - PretMetLed.nl

LED Lighting for your Home & Business A-Brands Led Lights by PretMetLed www.pretmetled.nl Benefits of LED Lighting  LEDs generally consume very low amounts of power.  Easily the most significant advantage of LEDs when compared to traditional lighting solutions is the long lifespan  LED Lights Save Money and Make Your Home Lighting Spectacular  Safety is perhaps the most often overlooked advantage when it comes to LED lighting.  LED technology emits light for only 180 degrees. Every other type of light emits light 360 degrees around the source  LEDs are solid state lights. This means that the traditional glass bulb surrounding the light is entirely unnecessary.  LEDs do not have the environmental issues common to traditional lighting solutions like fluorescent or mercury vapor lights About PretMetLed.nl  PretMetLed is a reputed online led store in the Netherlands.  Our goal is to provide full energy and safety certified LED lights and accessories to anyone on any scale. Our products warehouse Roswinkel, Drenthe so orders arrive promptly.  We are backed by an experienced team of technical experts who have been working in the lighting industry for 30 years to help you out if you have any questions about any products we offer. Even if you're just curious how you can incorporate LED lights into your home, get in touch with us. Our Products  LED Recessed spots  Bathroom Spots  Led lamps  LED tubes  LED panels  Street / Square Lighting  LED Highbay  Construction lamps  Exterior lighting  Interior lighting Contact us PretMetLed.nl Roswinkelerstraat 169a, 7895 AT Roswinkel, Netherlands State- Drenthe [email protected] +31 591 201 904 www.pretmetled.nl