Easy-To-Configure Community Engagement App


Uploaded on Jun 7, 2022

Category Business

Civita App offers a platform which enables communication between community members and local governments, utility districts, and organizations. The community engagement app can help organize people, data, and tools through information-driven initiatives.

Category Business



Easy-To-Configure Community Engagement App

Easy-To-Configure Community Engagement App Civita App offers a platform which enables communication between community members and local governments, utility districts, and organizations. The community engagement ap p can help organize people, data, and tools through information-driven initiatives. For organizations, it provides communities around the brand a way to connect, which increases customer brand loyalty, retention, and interest. The community engagement app is simple to use and easy to set up and has an effortless interface that allows for easy participation and engagement. Get in touch for a free demo today!!! Email: [email protected]