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Here are Richard Bishara NJ 5 tips to better manage your time and give stress or burnout no chance.
Richard Bishara NJ 5 Tips for Good Time Management
2 0 2 0 Richard Bishara N5 JTips for Good Time Management Too much work + not enough time = total chaos. 0 1 2 0 2 0 Work always presents a whole host of stressful situations. However, it is easy to avoid them with good organization. Here are Richard Bishara NJ 5 tips to better manage your time and give stress or burnout no chance. 0 2 2 0 2 0 Find your biorhythm THE UPS AND DOWNS ARE UNIVERSAL. THE BIORHYTHM VARIES FROM PERSON TO PERSON. MOST PEOPLEHAVE MORE ENERGY IN THE MORNING AND HAVE ANENERGY BOOST IN THE LATE AFTERNOON. FIND OUT WHEN YOU FEEL THE FITTEST, AND BE SURE TO COMPLETE THE MOST IMPORTANT AND DIFFICULT 0 3 TASKS DURING THOSE TIMES. DURING YOUR PHASES OF FATIGUE, PREFER RATHER SIMPLE AND ROUTINE TASKS. 2 0 2 0 Focus on One Task at a Time You have a lot of different tasks in your job, try to focus on one thing at a time and not get distracted by emails, phone calls, etc. It is only when you have completed one task that you can move on to the next. Typically, your coworkers will understand if you tell them every now and then that you don’t want to be disturbed. Try to read your emails only once: either you process them directly, or you forward them to the person in charge or you file them in the correct folder. This way you will save time and keep a good overview. 0 4 2 0 2 0 Set Priorities To work efficiently and complete your various tasks on time, it is advisable to manage your time well and set priorities. Ask yourself what are the most urgent tasks and which can wait. That is to say, do not rush headlong, but plan ahead. Make it clear to your colleagues what needs to be prioritized and what you can do later. 0 5 2 0 2 0 Keep your work station clean I F YOUR W ORKS TAT ION IS KEPT CLEAN , THINGS AREN ’ T LY ING AROUND AND YOU DON ’ T HAVE TO SEARCH FOR DOCUMENTS IN A VA R IE TY OF PLACES , YOU ’ LL HAVE MORE T I M E AND ENERGY AVAILABLE . THIS WILL BENEF I T YOUR FOCUS AND YOUR MOT IVAT ION . 0 6 2 0 2 0 Give yourself a moment of relaxation every Wdhaetyher it’s sports before going to work, a walk during your lunch break, or a fun outing in the evening, give yourself a moment of relaxation every day. You will feel better and get away from your job more easily. You’ll also be fitter and less prone to stress. 0 7 2 0 2 0 Whatever Time Management Strategies you use YOU NEED TO TAKE THE T I M E TO ASSESS HOW THEY HAVE WORKED FOR YOU . ASK YOURSELF A F EW S IMPLE QUESTIONS : DO YOU HAVE A GOOD W O R K - L I FE B AL A NCE ? ARE YOU DOING THE MOST I M P O R T A N T THINGS IN YOUR L I F E ? ARE YOU IN VE ST IN G ENOUGH T I M E IN YOUR 0 8 PERSONAL WELL - B E I N G ? 2 0 2 0 So reconsider your time management strategies and select If the answer is “no” the ones that work best for you. atony of these Remember that successful time management today can lead to questions greater personal happiness; greater achievements at home and at work increased productivity and a more fulfilling future. 0 9 2 0 2 0 To learn more about time management, you can get some advice from Richard Bishara New Jersey on the subject. 10