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How to uninstall apps on windows 11 that cannot be uninstalled? There are several methods, including utilizing the Registry Editor, PowerShell applications, control panel settings, and uninstalling programs. Among these programs are PowerShell and Revo.
HOW TO UNINSTALL APPS ON WINDOWS 11 THAT CANNOT BE UNINSTALLED Uninstalling apps or programs is essential when these are not needed or there are some problems in the computer software due to the apps. While some apps can be easily uninstalled, some apps have to be uninstalled in other ways. Some apps on Windows 11 cannot be uninstalled because these might be built-in or third- party apps. So, the question arises- How to uninstall apps on windows 11 that cannot be uninstalled? There are ways like using control panel settings, PowerShell software, Registry Editor, or uninstall software's. PowerShell and Revo are such software's. Many of these software's also clean junk files. Why Some Apps Can’t Be Removed? Some of the apps are built-in, pre-installed, or system apps. So, these cannot be removed. Some of the apps cannot be uninstalled because the registry entries are missing. There can be some errors related to programming also. These apps cannot be found in the control panel when you try to uninstall them. Third-party apps have to be removed by third-party uninstaller. Using Settings to Uninstall Using Control Panel in the settings is the most traditional way to uninstall apps that cannot be uninstalled. By typing Windows key + R, the Run page in control panel will get opened. Then, you just have to type appwiz cpl. After that, type Enter. Then, the Programs and Features windows will open. Then, right click on it and select the option Uninstall. CMD or Command Prompt is another way to uninstall apps on windows 11. Click on search bar at Start and type cmd. Then, click on Run as administrator. After that, there will be a question- Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device? Click on the option Yes. Then, type two commands- wmic and product get name. After that, there will be a list of apps on the screen. To uninstall the apps, type this command-Product where name= “app name” call uninstall installing PowerShell PowerShell is an app and Uninstall software just like command prompt. It is used for task automation and configuration management. It is used to uninstall system apps or apps that cannot be uninstalled. Remove-Appx Package is used for this. This is a command prompt that can be used to remove it from one user account or all the accounts. When you open PowerShell, click on Run as administrator. Then, there will be a list of system apps and third-party apps. The list will have app name, app publisher,architecture, resource ID, version, package full name, location, and other details. Then, you have to use Get- Appxpackage and Remove-Appxpackage commands. There is a Windows Package Manager called Winget that can uninstall apps that cannot be uninstalled. Winget uninstall “name of the app”Using PowerShell might not look suitable and necessary to many users. It can be a threat for the system in terms of security, and there are problems like system crashing sometimes. PowerShell can be easily uninstalled in ways that are used for uninstalling other apps. To uninstall PowerShell, type PowerShell in the search bar at the Start. Right click on the app of PowerShell that appears. Then, click on the option Uninstall. You can also uninstall PowerShell by using control panel settings. Click Windows key + R. Then, type Control. Then, press the Enter key. Then, find the Program and Features section. Then, click on it. There will be an option of Turn Windows Feature On or Off. You have to remove the tick from PowerShell. After that, PowerShell will be uninstalled. DISM can be used to uninstall PowerShell. For this, type CMD after you click Windows + R command. Then, you have to click Shift + Enter. Then, you can use commands to disable PowerShell.