Revelation of Technology


Uploaded on Nov 20, 2019

Category Technology

Presentation on "Revelation of Technology"

Category Technology



Revelation of Technology

REVELATION OF TECHNOLOGY REVELATION 1  Formerly the Android Operating System was actually designed as a digital camera platform; not for the smart phone market. REVELATION 2  The original URL of Yahoo was Image: Yahoo News Logo REVELATION 3  was earlier known as  Now it is popularly known as (A to Z) Image: Amazon Logo REVELATION 4  PayPal was voted as top ten worst business ideas with its original business model in 1999.  Now PayPal has grew the business up to $10.84 billion Image: PayPal Logo REVELATION 5  The first ever domain to be registered was  It is still in existence even after 275 millions domain names. Image : Domain example REVELATION 6  China has banned YouTube, Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, Instagram, Dropbox and Skype from public use in the country. REVELATION 7  In 1982 TIME Magazine named the computer the “Man of the Year”. Image: 1st generation PC REVELATION 8  Email(Electronic mail), invented by Ray Tomlinson in the 1960s is older than the World Wide Web(WWW). Image : Ray Tomlinson REVELATION 9  The original name of Windows was Interface Manager Image : First generation windows interface THANK YOU