Third Servile War
Third Servile War • Third Servile War also known the Spartacus War, the Romans lost the first battles to a growing army of escaped slaves, the first of which were escaped gladiators. • In a series of engagements, the army of Spartacus initially fared well, but a change in the Roman leadership led to victory for the Romans. • Punishment for the rebels was severe. Howard fast wrote a book, “Spartacus” which although initially privately published (he had been sanctioned by the McCarthy Hearings) became a bestseller and major epic movie • The impact was that it empowered Pompey and Crassus and strengthened their rivalry which Julius Caesar used for his own advantage by convincing them to create the Triumvirate. • This helped Caesar become wealthy and eventually led to his command in Gaul which both Pompey and Crassus later regretted for making him too powerful. As for slavery, the thought would likely not even cross a Roman’s mind. • Why? Because Roman life - and the life of all ancient civilizations - depended on slaves. Even the less well off Romans had slaves to help them on their farms or eke out their livings in the cities. • There was no mechanization. No steam or wind power. If something had to be moved it had to be done by muscle power alone. And for most things that muscle power came from other human beings. • Spartacus has been made into a hero in some quarters, but the uprising wasn’t about ending slavery. It was about Spartacus and his fellow slaves gaining their freedom. There isn’t any proof they were abolitionists and it’s unlikely given the state of the world at that time they would be You tube Did any slaves escape death in the Third Servile War ? • There’s always dribs and drabs, born survivors and lucky blighters, war is chaos. What happened to the women and the children the Roman’s were not so well organized. For instance Pompey was a Gallic Prince born in a Homogenous Gallic Province which was located in what we now see as Italy. • Pompey was in complete and undisputed charge of a Romanesque but predominantly Gallic Army whose loyalty was only to him! Even though his nickname was the Butcher Boy he would look upon the soldiers in The Spartacus Army as prime recruitment material to reinforce his Legions not as objects of revenge Quora You tube THANK YOU