Uploaded on Jun 19, 2019
Presentation on Top 10 Benefits of Mango tree!
Top 10 Benefits of Mango tree
TOP 10 BENEFITS OF MANGO TREE INTRODUCTION • The mango tree (Mangifera indica) is a inexhaustible producer of edible fruit Mango. • Mango tree grows in a location that get full sun. • When grown in well-drained and fertile soil, they produce more fruits. • Soil pH from 5.5 to 7.5 is tolerable by mango trees. • Young mango trees need irrigation during dry periods, but older trees need to be watered only in case of extreme draught. TOP 10 BENEFITS OF MANGO TREE 1. Mango leaves regulates diabetes • The tender leaves of the mango tree has tannins called anthocyanidins which treats early diabetes. • The leaves are dried out and ground, or used as an brew to treat the same. • These leaves also treat diabetic angiopathy and diabetic retinopathy. • You have to soak the leaves in a cup of water overnight. Strain and drink this water to help relieve the indications of diabetes. TOP 10 BENEFITS OF MANGO TREE 2. Mango wood • Mango wood is a low quality timber. • The bark of the mango tree is an important source of tannins for curing leather. • People use mango wood to make bowls and other wooden crafts • The gum and barks of the tree are used for medicine. TOP 10 BENEFITS OF MANGO TREE 3. Mango Root & Bark: • The roots and bark of the mango tree has anti- inflammatory properties. • It can also be used as styptic and astringent. TOP 10 BENEFITS OF MANGO TREE 4. Mango seed improves blood circulation • Mango seed powder can improve your blood circulation and reduces bad cholesterol levels. • Indirectly, it helps to reduce blood sugar level and reactive protein level. TOP 10 BENEFITS OF MANGO TREE 5.Mango Twigs • Brushing teeth with mango twigs strengthen your gums. • Boil mango leaves in a glass of water & rinse your mouth with this water to get relief from pain in gums, swelling and mouth ulcers. TOP 10 BENEFITS OF MANGO TREE 6. Mango Trunk • You can make the powder of Mango tree trunk, along with some pomegranate tree, and neem tree trunk. • Apply this powder to your body before taking bath. This will exfoliate the skin and removes black heads from it. You can use this daily. TOP 10 BENEFITS OF MANGO TREE 7. Mango seed benefits • Mango seed oil is full of essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. • You can extract the oil at home. Remove the outer cover of the seed, mix it with sesame or coconut oil in a glass jar. Keep this in sun for a week and then apply it on hair to reduce hair problems. • Intake of mango seeds can reduce cardio vascular disease and hypertension. • Mango seed oil may act as moisturizer. TOP 10 BENEFITS OF MANGO TREE 8. Mango Flowers • Dry mango flowers can be used to make powder which is beneficial for the health. It can be added to Triphala powder for extra benefits. • Add four times water to the powder and boil it until it turns to half. Add sesame oil to it and boil again till the water is evaporated and only the oil is left. Store this oil in the bottle and use to get healthy hair. TOP 10 BENEFITS OF MANGO TREE 9. Nutrition from the fruit • Mango has 20% of soluble solids- Sugar(13.7g) and 1.6g of dietary fibre. • A rich source of vitamin C(36.4 mg) and vitamin A. • Minerals Iron: 0.16mg Calcium: 11mg Phosphorous: 14mg Potassium: 168mg Magnesium: 10mg Sodium: 1mg TOP 10 BENEFITS OF MANGO TREE 10. Treats Diarrhea • Bark of the mango tree can treat Diarrhea. • Grind a piece of bark with curd to make a paste and apply it around the naval. • It works better than medicines and puts a stop to the problem.