The Reigate knowledge by Emma West


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Category Real Estate

Explore 'The Reigate Knowledge' by Emma West, where local insights and expert advice meet to guide you through the vibrant community of Reigate. Discover tips, events, and hidden gems that make this charming town unique.

Category Real Estate



The Reigate knowledge by Emma West

The Reigate knowledge by Emma West  In this series of blogs we give you the opportunity to find out a bit more about one of the Robert Leech team. What they think is good and not so good about the area. Here Emma West, Sales Manager at Robert Leech Reigate, shares her thoughts on Reigate and the surrounds.  What’s your favourite local area?  Although I spend a lot of time in Reigate at work, I think it is a wonderful town and great place to visit. Reigate has an abundence of fabulous tea and coffee shops, independent retailers, and restaurants along with the historic and scenic Priory Park.  What’s your favourite building?  This has to be Nutfield Priory, a Victorian mansion house dating back to 1872 and was inspired by the Neo-gothic splendour of the Palace of Westminster. It holds a special place in my heart after being the venue of my wedding breakfast a few years ago.  Not only is it a beautiful building but the views are also incredible to the South.  What’s building would you redesign?  The Harlequin in Redhill is very of its time and could do with a facelift, it is just not my taste in architecture at all. The regeneration around Redhill has definitely improved the area and I’m a big fan of the new improved Sainsburys!  Where is your favourite view?  We take our dog for a lovely long walk on a Sunday morning to the top of Reigate Hill, along the North Downs. The views over Reigate and all the way across to Dorking are breathtaking. On a clear day you can watch the planes taking off and landing at Gatwick.  What’s your most interesting shop?  Priory Farm shop is a wonderful place, great for meat, fresh vegetables, cheese and other organic treats as well as having a super gift department too. My children often cycle down to Priory Farm for a last minute Birthday or Christmas present.  What’s your favourite bar, pub or restaurant?  I have a couple of restaurants that I love locally, La Barbe has always been a family favourite, its authentic French cuisine and has been established for nearly 30 years now.  How would you like to spend your ideal day off?  It would be a long family dog walk, lunch at a country pub, perhaps The Skimmington Castle on Reigate Heath or The Sportsman in Lower Kingswood, and home to a good film with a roaring fire.  Where would you take someone visiting from overseas?  Brighton, a bracing seaside walk and a wander through the quaint little shops in The Lanes. Chips on the Pier are a must.  What’s your favourite open space?  Reigate Heath is a wonderful open space which includes wonderful heathland walks, a golf course, riding countryside, football and cricket pitches, the windmill has been restored and is now used as a chapel. It is thought to be the only windmill in the world which is a consecrated church.  What’s your personal landmark, something that makes you feel at home when you see it?  Driving down Church Hill in Nutfield, just before I get to my house, I pass St Peter & St Paul’s church, it is such a pretty church and where I got married.