Download Valid Acams CAMS Question Answers - Acams CAMS Exam Dumps Exam4help


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Download Valid Acams CAMS Question Answers - Acams CAMS Exam Dumps Exam4help

Acams CAMS Exam Study Material Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist CAMS Dumps PDF | Acams CAMS Exam Study Materiiall Why You and Your Team Shoulld Earn an AML Certiifiicatiion? The Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) credential is the gold standard in AML certifications and recognized internationally by financial institutions, governments and regulators as a serious commitment to protecting the financial system against money laundering. CAMS Dumps PDF | Acams CAMS Exam Study Materiiall IInstiitutiions wiith CAMS-certiifiied complliiance teams can:  Drive a culture of compliance from the top down by building highly skilled teams staffed with subject matter experts  Demonstrate to regulators and examiners their dedication to a standardized risk-based approach for protecting against money laundering threats and financial crime risks  Meet mandated AML training requirements through preparation and study and satisfy ongoing training through recertification and advanced certification activities  Safeguard more effectively against financial and reputational damage CAMS Dumps PDF | Acams CAMS Exam Study Materiiall The CAMS Examination Study Guide The CAMS study guide is your main resource for preparing for the examination. The study guide walks you through:  Money laundering risks and methods, such as Black Market Peso Exchange and import and export price manipulation  The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations, the Basel Committee’s Report on Customer Due Diligence and the Wolfsberg Group Principles  Important elements of an Anti-Money Laundering (AML) program  How to conduct and support a money laundering investigation CAMS Dumps PDF | Acams CAMS Exam Study Materiiall Question: 1 An anti-money laundering expert is hired by a new Internet bank to assess the money laundering threat to the bank. What is the most important recommendation for the expert to make given it is an on-line bank? A. The bank should limit the amount of money which can be processed per transaction B. The bank should ensure that prospective new customers can be properly identified C. The bank should set up automated programs to analyze transactions for money laundering activity D. The bank should ensure that a firewall is set up to protect the transactions Answer: A CAMS Dumps PDF | Acams CAMS Exam Study Materiiall Question: 2 Why is the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) a gateway for international cooperation? A. They provide a legal basis for transmitting evidence that can be used for prosecution and judicial proceedings B. They receive reports of suspicious transactions from financial institutions to disseminate to local Law enforcement and foreign FIUs C. They obtain intelligence that might lead to evidence D. They issue the Prmc4es of Information Exchange Between Financial intelligence Units (FIUs) Answer: A CAMS Dumps PDF | Acams CAMS Exam Study Materiiall Question: 3 Which element is generally required of all anti-money laundering programs? A. A computer-based suspicious activity monitoring system B. A qualified compliance officer to manage the program C. Annual in-person AML training for all employees D. An enhanced due diligence program for all new customers Answer: B CAMS Dumps PDF | Acams CAMS Exam Study Materiiall Question: 4 A customer has held an account at a local credit institution for 10 years. The account has received deposits twice weekly for the same amount and has never shown signs of suspect behavior. Monitoring software indicated that in the past few months the account has received several large deposits that were not in line with the account history. When asked, the customer states she recently sold a piece of property, which is supported with a proof of sale. What should the compliance officer do next? A. Investigate these unusual transactions further B. Contact the local FIU for advice C. File an STR with the competent authorities D. Document reasons for not filing a STR Answer: C CAMS Dumps PDF | Acams CAMS Exam Study Materiiall Question: 5 What is one recommendation of the Basel Committee’s 2001 paper Customer Due Diligence for Banks”? A. Numbered accounts should not be allowed B. Certain types of private banking can be exempt from KYC procedures C. Banks should develop dear descriptions of acceptable customers D. Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) should not be accepted as customers Answer: C Acams CAMS Exam Study Material Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist Download free demo questions from CAMS Dumps PDF | Acams CAMS Exam Study Materiiall