Uploaded on Aug 19, 2020
Certain SharePoint best practices need to be followed to ensure that the developed application is bug-free and helps to improve the business processes for any enterprise. Implementing the right methodology and design pattern is the important best practice that ensures your SharePoint app's high performance. Know more at http://bit.ly/2UZ6rYm
Best Practces To Follow For SharePoint Development
Best Practces To Follow For SharePoint Development Why use SharePoint For Your Business? Most widely used Enterprise Content Management System that facilitates collaboraton and improves business process. Helps the informaton to ow freely, efectvely and collaboratvely by having access to the informaton at any level thus improving the decision making regarding resources allocaton or utlizaton. Helps to connect the employees with informaton and expertse. Helps the employees to share the informaton within the enterprise while protectng any proprietary informaton. But, these benefts are totally dependent on how properly the businesses implement SharePoint. How Poor Coding Afects SharePoint Applicatons SharePoint applicatons are ofen customized according to the client’s requirements. The customizatons and the codes used to build them can have a major in uence on the below given aspects of SharePoint development: Performance – Even one line of bad code can afect the speed of your applicaton. Security – Poor coding introduces security aws that are hard to detect. Maintainability - ‘Spaghet code' might fulfl your requirements, but makes it very hard to apply the changes. Stability – Finding bugs become difcult with poor coding, which decreases stability and leads to more errors. Microsof SharePoint Development Best Practces Businesses need to follow certain SharePoint best practces to avail the beneft from this robust platorm. These are: Choosing right SharePoint development patern Understand methodologies and design Implement regular code reviews Choosing Right SharePoint Development Patern The developed SharePoint apps needs to be integrated with the current level of SharePoint implementaton, be it on-premise or cloud. This narrows down the decision making process for choosing right SharePoint development patern. Although many development paterns have evolved over tme, there is no preference on its usage with each one having their own pros and cons. Given below are some of the SharePoint development paterns: Full Trust Soluton or Farm Soluton JavaScript Injecton Sandboxed solutons Add-Ins or Apps SharePoint Frameworks Full Trust Soluton or Farm Soluton This development patern was introduced with SharePoint 2003. Pros of Farm Soluton Cons of Farm Soluton Server Side (Trusted) executon Model Web.confg needs to be updated to make changes. IIS resets with these changes Uses the server API for the product Brings down the whole farm in case of serious Works only in on-premise implementatons error (except for private and non-Microsof hosted implementatons) Covers the entre farm JavaScript Injecton Pros of JavaScript Injecton method Cons of JavaScript Injecton Method Client Side Executon model Most untrusted development model as executon is done on client side Client Side API usage As it is scoped to current SharePoint page Can be built with any development tool kit only, the entre customizaton takes more Scoped specifcally to the current SharePoint tme. page only Manually deployed with no publicly shared or known automaton model for deployment Sandboxed solutons T his development patern made its debut with SharePoint 2010 to resolve IIS Reset Problem Pros Cons of Sandboxed Solutons Server Side (Partally Trusted) executon Neither force the servers to reset nor they model could bring down the farm in case of integraton issues Don’t have complete access to SharePoint farms (But more than a SharePoint Page) Easily afected when Microsof made any changes More manageable than JavaScript Injecton & benefts from integraton techniques and Pure client side customizaton not possible DevOps paterns without Javascript Injecton Add-ins or Apps This development patern was introduced with SharePoint 2013 that not only resolves the IIS Reset Problem but also allows any kind of soluton to be a SharePoint Applicaton. Pros of Add-ins or Apps Cons of add-ins or apps Client or Server side executon models Javascript Injecton is stll required in case of traditonal web development as the Client Side API Available – Client Side Object executon is done in an iFrame Modeling(CSOM) and other techniques allow for an Add-in to appear and behave very much like a natve SharePoint feature Executon is externalized from SharePoint as it runs within an iFrame Scopes to a Site in the case of SharePoint Online SharePoint Frameworks It is an open source initatve released to ease deployment and change management Overcomes the limitaton of apps in regards to traditonal web development Pros Cons Client side executon model Client side Executon Model makes it less Executed and rendered in the context of the trusted page Limited compatbility with on premise Responsive and Mobile Friendly version of SharePoint startng with 2016. Scoped to the Site Collecton using a exible deployment model Understand methodologies and design It is the most important SharePoint best practce Model-View-View-Model Many design paterns available to build quality SharePoint App. e. g. Model-View-View-Model (MVVM) – Best example of how code is seperated from user- interface. Choosing the right design patern or methodologies also depends upon the developer's Image Credit: htps://msdn.microsof.com/en-us/library/f7983383..aspx expertse Proper sofware design is the foundaton to SharePoint performance. Implement regular code reviews It is necessary to implement regular code reviews and it should be the part of the development schedule. Benefts of regular code reviews: Ensures tmely detecton and mitgaton of errors in SharePoint applicatons Can be done via tools like over-the-shoulder or via pair programming. Improves your SharePoint applicaton from functonal & technical viewpoints To conclude It is always a good idea to invest more eforts in design, development and review of SharePoint applicatons to ensure that the quality of the code writen is not afected. Following these SharePoint best practces will ensure a robust SharePoint soluton for the enterprises. Thank You