Ink and Roll Fingerprinting - Process, Need, and Validity


Uploaded on Mar 28, 2024

Category Business

Ink and Roll fingerprinting (traditional fingerprinting), is a widely used method for capturing fingerprints. Learn more about process, need, fees etc...

Category Business



Ink and Roll Fingerprinting - Process, Need, and Validity

Ink and Roll Fingerprinting - Process, Need, and Validity By: Sekcheck Fingerprinting Canada Address: 255 – 13711 72 Ave, Surrey BC V3W 2P2 Phone: +1 866 549 7779 E-mail: [email protected] What is Ink & Roll Fingerprinting? Ink & Roll fingerprinting is a manual method of capturing fingerprints on a fingerprint card using ink and a roller. It involves rolling each finger from nail to nail, capturing the unique ridge patterns accurately. This traditional method ensures high-quality prints suitable for various identification purposes. Why is Ink & Roll Fingerprinting Needed? Ink & Roll fingerprinting is essential for several reasons:  Legal Requirements: Many government agencies, employers, and organizations require ink & roll fingerprints for background checks, security clearances, licensing, and immigration purposes.  Accuracy: Ink & Roll fingerprinting produces high-quality, clear prints that are crucial for accurate identification and verification.  Universal Acceptance: Ink & Roll fingerprints are widely accepted by government agencies, law enforcement, and international organizations, making them essential for various official procedures. The Process of Ink & Roll Fingerprinting: The process of ink & roll fingerprinting typically involves the following steps:  Preparation: The individual undergoing fingerprinting must provide valid identification and complete any necessary paperwork.  Ink Application: The technician applies ink evenly to the fingers of the individual.  Rolling: Using a roller, each finger is rolled from one side of the nail to the other on the fingerprint card, capturing the complete ridge detail.  Recording: The technician records additional information such as name, date, and purpose of fingerprinting on the card.  Cleaning: After capturing all fingerprints, the technician cleans excess ink from the fingers using specialized cleaning agents. Approximate Fees Range: The fees for ink & roll fingerprinting services vary depending on factors such as location, the agency providing the service, and the number of fingerprints required. On average, the cost can range from $20 to $50 per fingerprinting session. Validity of Ink & Roll Fingerprints: Ink & Roll fingerprints are generally considered valid for a certain period, typically one to three years, depending on the organization or agency's requirements. However, it's essential to check with the specific entity requesting the fingerprints for their validity period. ---------------------- End