Why do you need the trademark or the copyright for your business


Uploaded on Feb 5, 2020

Category Business

What is trademark or the copyrights? It is very important to learn this before we learn about why we need them for our business. Trademark is a brand, slogan and the logos that we use for our company or the business. Whereas the copyright are typically related to original works of authorship, like a book or poem or screenplay etc. copyrights is a governmental documents of your business. Both are a legal rights provided to you for the safety and a unique identity of your business.

Category Business



Why do you need the trademark or the copyright for your business

Why do you need the trademark or the copyright for your business? What is trademark or the copyrights? It is very important to learn this before we learn about why we need them for our business. Trademark is a brand, slogan and the logos that we use for our company or the business. Whereas the Source: www.chippersonlaw.com copyright are typically related to original works of authorship, like a book or poem or screenplay etc. copyrights is a governmental documents of your business. Both are a legal rights provided to you for the safety and a unique identity of your business. Why do you need a trademark: as I mentioned it above that it is a logo or the slogans used for a particular company. A trademark is needed in order to provide a unique identify and distinguish your product from that of another. It protects your products from being misused by someone without your permission. Source: www.chippersonlaw.com Why do you need copyrights: you need it because; it helps you in protecting your properties from other. Imagine that you do a work and someone else claims it as their own what can you do in this case. Nothing, am I right? Yes you can’t do anything because both of you don’t have a proof to claim it yours. But if you have the copyright; your work is protected from others and they can’t use it for their benefits without your permission. Even though both are different in their terms but are very important for your work and business. Source: www.chippersonlaw.com