Uploaded on Apr 26, 2020
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2020 Amazon MLS-C01 dumps -MLS-C01 PDF Dumps - DumpsforSure
AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty MLS-C01 dumps Click here for more information: https://www.dumpsforsure.com/amazon/mls-c01-dumps.html Sample Question:1 A company is setting up an Amazon SageMaker environment. The corporate data security policy does not allow communication over the internet. How can the company enable the Amazon SageMaker service without enabling direct internet access to Amazon SageMaker notebook instances? A. Create a NAT gateway within the corporate VPC. B. Route Amazon SageMaker traffic through an on-premises network. C. Create Amazon SageMaker VPC interface endpoints within the corporate VPC. D. Create VPC peering with Amazon VPC hosting Amazon SageMaker. Answer: A https://www.dumpsforsure.com/amazon/mls-c01-dumps.html Sample Question:2 A monitoring service generates 1 TB of scale metrics record data every minute A Research team performs queries on this data using Amazon Athena The queries run slowly due to the large volume of data, and the team requires better performance How should the records be stored in Amazon S3 to improve query performance? A. CSV files B. Parquet files C. Compressed JSON D. RecordIO Answer: B https://www.dumpsforsure.com/amazon/mls-c01-dumps.html Sample Question:3 A manufacturing company asks its Machine Learning Specialist to develop a model that classifies defective parts into one of eight defect types. The company has provided roughly 100000 images per defect type for training During the injial training of the image classification model the Specialist notices that the validation accuracy is 80%, while the training accuracy is 90% It is known that human-level performance for this type of image classification is around 90% What should the Specialist consider to fix this issue1? A. A longer training time B. Making the network larger C. Using a different optimizer D. Using some form of regularization Answer: D https://www.dumpsforsure.com/amazon/mls-c01-dumps.html AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty MLS-C01 dumps Click here for more information: https://www.dumpsforsure.com/amazon/mls-c01-dumps.html