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2020 Valid Oracle 1z0-1073 Exam Questions
Oracle Inventory Cloud 2019 Implementation Essentials 1z0-1073 Click here for more information: https://www.dumpsforsure.com/oracle/1z0-1073-dumps.html Sample Question:1 Your client has just set up their chart of accounts. They are now designing the organization hierarchy in the system. Which three structures should the customer use to do this? A. Divisions, Business Units, and Departments B. Cost type, Default Cost Structure, and Item Organization C. Warehouse, Subinventory, and Locators D. Cost Centers, Organizations, and Locations Answer: A https://www.dumpsforsure.com/oracle/1z0-1073-dumps.html Sample Question:2 A supply request has been received in supply chain orchestration. Both organizations belong to the same legal entity and they do not have a buy-sell relationship between them. Which type of execution document can fulfill the supply request? A. Sales Order B. Purchase Requisitions C. Purchase Order D. Transfer Order Answer: D https://www.dumpsforsure.com/oracle/1z0-1073-dumps.html Sample Question:3 What are two outcomes when a lot expires on an item with lot control enabled? A. It cannot be reserved for a date beyond the expiration date. B. It is issued out of stores. C. It remains in inventory, but is not considered on-hand when the user is performing min-max or reorder point planning calculations. D. It cannot be transacted. E. It is not included in cycle counts. Answer: A , C https://www.dumpsforsure.com/oracle/1z0-1073-dumps.html Sample Question:4 Which two statements are true in regard to using the Enterprise Structures Configurator? A. The guided interview-based process helps you set up the enterprise with best practices. B. It recommends job and position structures. C. It creates the chart of accounts. D. It allows you to create your Enterprise, Business Units, and Warehouses in a single step. E. You cannot modify the recommendation from the tool. You must do it after you perform the initial configuration. Answer: A , D https://www.dumpsforsure.com/oracle/1z0-1073-dumps.html Sample Question:5 You are a shop floor manager and you have received an order which is a back-to- back order in nature. You need to reserve 100 pieces of an item in order to finish your order. However there are only 50 pieces available for reservation. If you process this request, how many pieces are provided as the fulfillment for the order? A. 50 pieces, because full 100 quantities are not available. B. 0 pieces, because partial fulfillment of reservation not supported. C. 25 pieces, only half of the quantities can be reserved. D. 100 pieces, 50 from on-hand and 50 in the form of a purchase order. Answer: B https://www.dumpsforsure.com/oracle/1z0-1073-dumps.html Oracle Inventory Cloud 2019 Implementation Essentials 1z0-1073 Click here for more information: https://www.dumpsforsure.com/oracle/1z0-1073-dumps.html