Download Latest Google Professional-Cloud-Architect Exam Dumps - Professional-Cloud-Architect Dumps PDF


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Professional-Cloud-Architect exam dumps have changed the view of candidates who are going to appear in Google Cloud Certified. This material has been designed and verified by our experts who have done their work very sincerely. If you are thinking to get certified in Google Cloud Certified you can make your success sure by using this reliable material for your preparation. We are confidence about your success by the first attempt if you work according to the guidelines. Professional-Cloud-Architect questions answers is available at DumpsForSure so you can simply download it from there. We are also providing demo questions which are free of cost to check the quality of the material. We are also providing money back guarantee in case of your failure in the exam. This guarantee speaks of our confidence about our work. We are receiving positive feedbacks from the candidates who have used our material and got passed in their certifications. For any further query you can contact us at DumpsForSure.

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Download Latest Google Professional-Cloud-Architect Exam Dumps - Professional-Cloud-Architect Dumps PDF

Google Certified Professional – Cloud Architect (GCP) Professional-Cloud-Architect Dumps Click here for more information: Sample Question : 1 Your company has decided to make a major revision of their API in order to create better experiences for their developers. They need to keep the old version of the API available and deployable, while allowing new customers and testers to try out the new API. They want to keep the same SSL and DNS records in place to serve both APIs. What should they do? A. Configure a new load balancer for the new version of the API. B. Reconfigure old clients to use a new endpoint for the new API. C. Have the old API forward traffic to the new API based on the path. D. Use separate backend pools for each API path behind the load balancer. Answer: D Sample Question : 2 A small number of API requests to your microservices-based application take a very long time. You know that each request to the API can traverse many services. You want to know which service takes the longest in those cases. What should you do? A. Set timeouts on your application so that you can fail requests faster. B. Send custom metrics for each of your requests to Stackdriver Monitoring. C. Use Stackdriver Monitoring to look for insights that show when your API latencies are high. D. Instrument your application with Stackdnver Trace in order to break down the request latencies at each microservice. Answer: D Sample Question : 3 During a high traffic portion of the day, one of your relational databases crashes, but the replica is never promoted to a master. You want to avoid this in the future. What should you do? A. Use a different database. B. Choose larger instances for your database. C. Create snapshots of your database more regularly. D. Implement routinely scheduled failovers of your databases. Answer: C Sample Question : 4 Your company is forecasting a sharp increase in the number and size of Apache Spark and Hadoop jobs being run on your local datacenter You want to utilize the cloud to help you scale this upcoming demand with the least amount of operations work and code change. Which product should you use? A. Google Cloud Dataflow B. Google Cloud Dataproc C. Google Compute Engine D. Google Container Engine Answer: B Sample Question : 5 Your company's test suite is a custom C++ application that runs tests throughout each day on Linux virtual machines. The full test suite takes several hours to complete, running on a limited number of on premises servers reserved for testing. Your company wants to move the testing infrastructure to the cloud, to reduce the amount of time it takes to fully test a change to the system, while changing the tests as little as possible. Which cloud infrastructure should you recommend? A. Google Compute Engine unmanaged instance groups and Network Load Balancer B. Google Compute Engine managed instance groups with auto-scaling C. Google Cloud Dataproc to run Apache Hadoop jobs to process each test D. Google App Engine with Google Stackdriver for logging Answer: B Google Certified Professional – Cloud Architect (GCP) Professional-Cloud-Architect Dumps Click here for more information: