Valid SAP C_MDG_90 Exam Questions Answers - C_MDG_90 Dumps DumpsforSure


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Valid SAP C_MDG_90 Exam Questions Answers - C_MDG_90 Dumps DumpsforSure

SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Master Data Governance C_MDG_90 Dumps Click here for more information: Sample Question:1 What are valid scenarios in material processing to use parallel change requests? There are 2 correct answers to this question. A. Approval step in which several approvers need to approve the different change requests and the sequence of their approvals is NOT relevant B. Separate processors in a relevant sequence need to maintain material general data C. Approval step in which several approvers need to approve the different change requests and the sequence of their approvals is relevant D. Separate processors in a NOT relevant sequence need to maintain sales and plant data Answer: C , D Sample Question:2 What are the Architecture Principle — Business Values ? A. Incomplete material (changes) are stored in an inactive version to the material can only be used in business processes when it is approved (better process quality) B. Rejected change requests do not create a material number in SAP ERP (better data quality) C. Planned changes are visible to the concerned user group (better transparency) D. None of the above. Answer: A , B , C Sample Question:3 How does SAP Master Data Governance (MDG) support the integration of SAP S/4HANA Finance? There are 2 correct answers to this question. A. SAP MDG consolidation supports the cleansing of central financial master data objects B. Data Replication can be used out of the box to send the postings to the Central Finance system C. Central Finance can leverage the centralized master data from SAP MDG and key mapping for aligned postings D. SAP S/4HANA Finance can be a distribution target for SAP MDG master data Answer: A , C Sample Question:4 What is SAP MDG Features in Authorization Management ? A. Authorization profiles (PFCG roles) B. User assignments and menu items C. Personalization's and structural authorizations (for Organizational management) D. Trace and deployment tools E. SAP MDG features available in the Authorization Management area. F. Role-derivations and role-transports Answer: A , B , C , D , F Sample Question:5 Since MDG 7.0, the work center structure has been redesigned in different business-area based work centers for master data governance in the following: A. Financial Accounting Governance B. Financial Controlling Governance C. Financial Consolidation Governance D. None of the above. Answer: A , B , C SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Master Data Governance C_MDG_90 Dumps Click here for more information: