Uploaded on Feb 24, 2025
Get a cozy outdoor space by installing an awning where you can include comfortable furniture and enjoy beautiful scenes throughout the years. However, an important key factor is maintaining the temperature control and awning has a major role in this.
Get your Cozy Outdoor by Using Awnings for Year-Round Comfort
GET YOUR COZY OUTDOOR BY USING AWNINGS FOR YEAR- ROUND COMFORT Get a cozy outdoor space by installing an awning where you can include comfortable furniture and enjoy beautiful scenes throughout the years. However, an important key factor is maintaining the temperature control and awning has a major role in this. HOW SHADE AFFECTS TEMPERATURE Shade structures like awnings are essential for reducing temperatures in outdoor spaces. The primary way they achieve this is by blocking direct sunlight, which significantly lowers the temperature underneath. REDUCING TEMPERATURE Your body absorbs solar energy when you sit in direct sunshine, which causes you to feel far hotter than the outside temperature. When this direct sunlight is blocked by awnings, the temperature below can drop by 10 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit. USAGE OF OUTDOOR SPACES Awnings increase the usability of your outdoor spaces by lowering the temperature. By April, your patio may be too hot to use without an awning. However, depending on your local environment and any other temperature- control techniques you install on your patio, you can enjoy your outside space comfortably far into June, or even longer, if you have an awning. For people who enjoy entertaining, dining, or relaxing outside, this increase in useful outside time is very beneficial. COOLERS THAT EVAPORATIVELY COOL Swamp coolers, another name for evaporative coolers, chill the air by evaporation. They work especially well in arid climates like ours. Evaporative coolers can reduce the temperature by 20 to 30 degrees when used beneath an awning on a dry summer day, making it comfortable even on extremely hot days. Moreover, high humidity reduces their effectiveness, and the range of the cooled area varies between each unit. CONTACT US Unit 110, 17828, 65a Ave, Surrey, BC V3S 1Z3 [email protected] +1 778-320-0471 Read more: https://strongbuild.ca/get-your- cozy-outdoor-by-using-awnings- for-year-round-comfort/ Thank You!