Use Sunroom as an Alternative to Full-Room Additions


Uploaded on Feb 9, 2022

Category Business

People think of adding a room to their homes either because they need more space or they are thinking of selling. Whatever may be the reason, having an extra space always proves fruitful and gives in more financial returns. Are you searching for the best custom built sunrooms? So, Visit our website and get more information regarding this topic as well. Read more:

Category Business



Use Sunroom as an Alternative to Full-Room Additions

U s e S u n r o o m as a n A l t e r na t i v e t o Fu l l - R o o m A d d i t i o n s People think of adding a room to their homes either because they need more space or they are thinking of selling. Whatever may be the reason, having an extra space always proves fruitful and gives in more financial returns. However, getting returns or not getting returns is not an issue but deciding what would turn out to be better really is the concern. There are two options available like, either you can have a sunroom or you can have a full-room. This blog will take you through the benefits of having a sunroom as an alternative to a full-room addition. So, if you are looking to add space to your home, one option is to hire a sunroom builder in Vancouver and get a sunroom installed, other option is to hire a contractor to build a room addition which acts as an extension to the main footprint of the house. But many people go for sunrooms because of the high prices involved in the construction of a room. Another reason people prefer sunroom is the space which bridges indoor and outdoor spaces with a comfortable supplemental living area. Also, the fact that sunroom usually costs about half of a traditional stick-built addition makes it a very attractive option for most people. D e f in it io n s Stick-Built Addition Stick-built is the term for any kind of structure that is built from scratch. In this case, it is referred to house additions, room additions, and other bump-outs which are constructed from wood, concrete, house sheathing, glass, and shingles. Nearly every component is used during the construction of a home. A true room addition will require a full electrical service and HVAC service. This type of room adds to the official square footage of the premises of house. Sunroo ms The term sunroom is usually called a recreational space that bridges indoor and outdoor living areas. It is done usually with a considerable amount of wall space which is dedicated to glass, often as much as 80%. It is not necessary to have electricity connection or central heating/cooling service in the sunroom. However, now many sunrooms have electrical services, and they may even have supplemental heating and cooling services too. For instance, the thr ee-season sunroom does not necessarily has heating or other facility b ut a four- season sunroom definitely has. Sunrooms are built on floating concrete slabs with shallow perimeter foundations, almost like those used for garages; full basements beneath sunrooms are quite rare. Prefabricated (DIY Kits) Vs Custom-Built Sunrooms In the sunroom category itself, there are two sub-categories. Sunrooms can either be custom-built by a local general contractor who will design and build the sunroom as per your specifications. Such sunrooms have traditional stud-and-truss framing. These are formed by patio doors or even by full-length windows. But today, people also go by DIY option that is sunrooms are constructed from prefabricated kits. These come with framework pieces of steel, aluminum, or fiberglass, along with the glass panels for the walls. Prefabricated sunroom additions are assembled in puzzle-like fashion, usually done by qualified technicians. The fact that these are DIY kits, does not mean that assembly is an easy DIY project. A prefabricated sunroom is designed and fabricated off-site. Then it is shipped in pieces to your home packed in flat cartons. Assembly can be done by a homeowner, or more often done by a contractor affiliated with the kit manufacturer. Cost The costs for sunrooms and build-in rooms vary enosrmously. The cost depends on a number of factors like the size and types of sunrooms. A small sunroom will cost you less compared to a large sunroom. Also, the price will vary according to the type of sunroom. For instance, three-season sunroom and four-season sunroom both will cost you differently. The same goes for the built-in rooms too. But apart from the size, generally too, a built-in room will cost you more than a sunroom. So, it is suggested to get a sunroom installed than getting a room constructed in your home. For premium services, you can contact the best sunroom builders i.e., Strong Build Sunrooms in Vancouver. But before you get a sunroom installed; we would want to clarify some of the misconceptions that people have. So, let us burst some of the myths. Misconceptions In order to get a sunroom, homeowners often make certain assumptions about sunrooms that needs to be corrected such as: Sunrooms do not require building permits. In most communities, even the smallest sunroom kit or custom-built room may require a building permit. Prefabricated sunrooms i.e., DIY sunrooms are not always cheaper than custom-built sunrooms. There are many add-ons you can specify for a prefabricated kit. Sunrooms do not need a foundation. This is not true. Sunrooms are built from a scratch and needs foundation to stand on. But if you convert a sunroom from a patio, then you may not necessarily need a foundation or a strong base. Benefits of Adding a Sunroom Higher Real Estate Value Do sunrooms add value to a home? Yes! they do! This is the very first benefit of adding any new square footage to your house. A bigger house will command a higher real estate value and will also boost your curb appeal. A sunroom can often cause your home’s value to shoot up even more when you consider selling your home. When you think of the value and price and if sunrooms are worth it, it is important to consider the size of the investment too. If you are wondering if it is beneficial to add a sunroom or no then just look at the numbers. Get a quote on how much real estate value a finished sunroom will add to your house. While every situation is unique, the odds are good that the ROI (return- on-investment) sunrooms provide can make it worth your while. If we put it in simple words, most home buyers will gladly pay a little extra for a home that features a functional sunroom. If it faces a beautiful and lush backyard or some other scenic view, the area will definitely get a good value on selling a house. This extra real estate value will typically outweigh the cost of adding the sunroom in the first place, thereby, making the home addition both a lifestyle and monetary gain. Reduces Electricity Bill Nobody likes to pay for utilities such as electricity bill, but unfortunately, there is no real way to avoid them. You would need light to see which means electricity. Well, not always! With a sunroom, you are effectively giving yourself an entire room which will be flooded with sunlight for hours. Even on cloudy days, the sunroom will be bright enough to see clearly. Natural Sunlight You know those days when the sun comes in through the living room windows, and you just keep on changing your chairs position so you keep on getting enough sunlight. With a sunroom, you will not have to put yourself at a discomfort because the area will provide you sunlight in abundance. A sunroom will turn out to be a perfect place for you to relax with a book, a cup of tea, coffee and your morning paper. Apart from luxury, sunroom also offers relaxation and health benefits. Use Extra Space for Hobbies If you enjoy craft and if you also have a hobby but you do not have a separate room to pursue it, then having a sunroom would be a lot more joy to you. You will get an extra space for yourself and have your me time. You will get a space dedicated solely to you and your hobbies. Also, you will not have to worry about changing or converting any of your rooms inside your home. If your hobby has a potential to create mess, then what better than a room that is away from your living area? Nothing would be better than a sunroom. Even if you will leave the mess in the sunroom to be cleaned another day, your house will remain tidy. Oh! what a relief! Isn’t it? Final Words A sunroom is a tempting alternative to a conventional, full-sized room addition. On average, the sunrooms, light-bathed spaces are cheaper than stick-built additions. Since fewer subcontractors are involved in the process, sunrooms go up quickly. Also, the space added by a sunroom is defined as a supplemental space—not the essential living space that is offered by room addition. For many homeowners today, a sunroom is a perfect choice. So, if you are looking forward to getting a sunroom installed, just contact the Strong Build Sunrooms, the best sunroom builders in Vancouver. G E T I N T O U C H 15068-72 Ave, Surrey, British Columbia V3S 2G2 +1 778-320-0471 info@strongbuildsunroo Content Resource: htt pnas:t/i/vsetr-oton-gfublul-irlodo.cma/-uasded-istuionnrso/om-as-an-alter