Uploaded on May 23, 2020
The guidelines that are mentioned on this page will help you to resolve the Outlook 2010 certificate error quickly. This happens when you access the email account. Source URL: https://mail-setup.com/outlook-2010-certificate-error
How To Fix Outlook 2010 Certificate Error?
How To Fix Outlook 2010 Certificate Error? The guidelines that are mentioned on this page will help you to resolve the Outlook 2010 certificate error quickly. This happens when you access the email account. 1 Steps To Know Step 1: Step 1: In the Outlook application In the Outlook application window, select File and window, select File and then choose the Options then choose the Options menu. menu. 2 Step 3: Step 3: Next, choose Email Next, choose Email Security from the left side Security from the left side panel and then select panel and then select Settings below Encrypted Settings below Encrypted e-mail. e-mail. 3 Step 5: Step 5: You can view the You can view the certificate on your email certificate on your email account itself by clicking account itself by clicking the encryption or security the encryption or security icon. icon. More Info: https://mail-setup.com/outlook-2010- certificate-error 4