Reducing regret


Uploaded on Nov 14, 2019

Media hype can stoke our emotions and sway the way we vote. But such hype can be based on imperfect information or sometimes outright falsehoods. T2 Clips’ poignant, funny videos help people question social norms and expectations while also obtaining a more holistic view of matters.



Reducing regret

An honest look into political current events  Politics affects all corners of society, and policy decisions can have huge ramifications both economically and socially. T2 Clips highlights issues and oddities related to political current events that can have meaningful repercussions on people’s lives. By presenting important political topics in funny videos that highlight concerns of disparate perspectives, T2 Clips keeps its viewers informed in a holistic and entertaining manner.  People today often seek their news from multiple sources, either for specialized reporting or for different views. T2 Clips provides an entertaining way to hear out the concerns and thoughts of disparate views. Ultimately, being more informed is better than being less informed when it comes to making thoughtful, prudent decisions. Contact Us 