28 New Stars Discovers By Indian Scientists


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28 New Stars Discovers By Indian Scientists

28 NEW STARS DISCOVERED BY INDIAN SCIENTISTS m.dailyhunt.i Introduction ☼Recently, 28 Stars that are seeable in the northern night sky are discovered by Indian scientists. ☼Discovery is made by a group of scientists at ARIES (Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences). ☼These stars found in halo part of our galaxy-Milky way. deccanherald.com ARIES ☼ARIES- Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences ☼Location- Nainital, Uttarakhand euttaranchal.com ☼Present director- Wahab Uddin ☼Research forte- Astronomy, Astrophysics, Atmospheric Sciences. en.wikipedia.org ☼Govt. of India has control over ARIES. How the research was performed? ☼Indian scientist named this admirable discovery with the help of DOT-“Devastal Optical Telescope”. ☼ The unfolding of our en.wikipedia.org galaxy-Milky way and this admirable discovery has been possible because of DOT. medium.com How the research was performed? ☼ Researchers also worked on the existence of superfluous solar planets as well as stars in our galaxy- khabar.ndtv.com Milky way. ☼Scientists carry on Photometric observations by sacrificing their sleep. planetary-science.org NGC 4147 ☼ Where these stars set up/found? Globular cluster- NGC 4147. NGC 4147 youtube.com indianexpress.com What is the Globular cluster? ☼It is a huge still compact cluster of stars set up around a galactic core that contains very old nebular celestial bodies. ☼It has a spherical contour. theskyscrapers.org phys.org About Research resources ☼The research is not completely published yet. ☼The news of the discovery was published on 20/May/2019. ☼The astronomical web-log will publicize detail on findings in upcoming days. iopscience.iop.org Why this research is important? ☼The halo area of our galaxy-Milky way has very low brightness; also, this area has only 1% mass. ☼This makes its observations way difficult. ☼Our team of scientists made davidreneke.com this happening with their immense dedication and that's why this discovery holds much significance. Facts Do you know? ☼ If a scientist discovers something, they will name that discovery as per their choice. thesoftwarepro.com ☼Now, India has scope to name the 28 stars. ☼We can name those stars after our inspirational and great personalities. universetoday.com