Motivational Tips to Train Your Mind to Hate Junk Food


Uploaded on Aug 9, 2019

Presentation on "Motivational Tips to Train Your Mind to Hate Junk Food"



Motivational Tips to Train Your Mind to Hate Junk Food

MOTIVATIONAL TIPS TO TRAIN YOUR MIND TO HATE JUNK FOOD 1. Know the effect of junk food on health • Everyone knows that junk food is not a great choice for balancing a healthy lifestyle. • But, take it seriously. • Note the bad effects of junk food. 2. Track your food • There are several apps are available that show the contents of fats, toxins, and all other things. • Before thinking to eat pizza or other unhealthy food, track it. 3. Eat lots of proteins in breakfast • If you filled your tummy with protein-rich foods like Eggs, Soybean, Sprouts, pulses; you will fill full for the day. • Chances of attraction towards junk food will be lower down. 4. Check your weight at least once a week • If you are a diehard fan of junk food and failing to stop munching on it, then face weight scale once a week. • When you see the weight gain every week, the possibility is that you will start hating junk food. 5. Exercise daily • If you addicted to exercise then automatically you will become conscious about your diet. • Continue for 21 days and you will end up with a habit of it. 6. See full mirror every day • If you can't resist having a bite of pizza, French fries, and that unhealthy stuff then see yourself in the mirror. • Yes, it is useful. • When you see the stored fats on your body, you will start hating junk food. 7. Keep fruits and nuts with you • When you have cravings eat fruits and nuts. • These will helps to fill your tummy. 8. Always have a healthy stock in your kitchen • Always load your kitchen with vegetables, fruits, and healthy foods. • Prepare a healthy meal with adding flavors. 9. Have a cheat day • It is not identical to stop junk food in one attempt. • If you restrict yourself from junk food you may end with eating more junk food and may adapt the habit again. • Have a cheat day and eat junk food once a while.