Uploaded on Dec 30, 2019
Presentation on "All About Terrorism"
All About Terrorism
All about TERRORISM • Terrorism is the systematic use of violence to terrorize and create fear among the people for a particular objective, by nationalistic and religious groups as well as state sponsored terrorism by the army, intelligence or police. brookings.edu • The terms ‘terrorist’ and ‘terrorism’ was first coined during the French Revolution, when the revolutionaries violently terrorized their opponents with mass execution. Terrorism has different definitions in different context. express.co.uk • The true definition of terrorism is politically and emotionally motivated, whereas the United Nations defined it is ‘an act intended to cause death and injury to civilians to intimidate people or force the government from doing or abstaining from doing any act’. gulfnews.com • Governments or organizations may wrongly label someone as a terrorist, if that person or a group is against their policies and the government considers them as their opponents, in order to denounce and vilify them in public. warontherocks.com • Different types of terrorism include civil disorder, political terrorism, religious extremist terrorism, state sponsored terrorism and separatist terrorism. ISIS and Al Qaeda are examples for religious terrorist group, whereas LTTE was considered as a separatist terrorist group. theindependent.co.uk • Causes of terrorism may be to end government oppression, to dominate and spread a religion, separatist movements, for propaganda or to intimidate governments and organizations to do or abstain from certain actions. • Terrorist attacks hijacking airplanes have been done for purposes like releasing a detainee of the terrorist group bloomberg.com • Radicalization of a person to join terrorist groups and commit acts of terror may be due to mental health disorder, for financial benefits, identifying self with extremist groups and getting brainwashed by radical elements. • Terrorism can be state sponsored, where terrorist groups are funded and harboured by the government for its ulterior motives. npr.org • Modern-day terrorism is mostly associated with Islamic terrorist organizations like the ISIS, Taliban, Boko Haram and Al Shabaab, although terrorism has many types and several ideologies and religions are linked to it. • ISIS, Taliban and Boko Haram have caused most number of deaths in recent years in many terrorist attacks, which remains a crucial matter of security concerns for most countries today. theatlantic.com • Africa and Middle East remain the most affected countries by terrorism, followed by Afghanistan, which is still battling with Taliban insurgency and Pakistan, which has been accused of harboring and funding several terrorist groups. • The 9/11 terrorist attacks remain the most deadliest terror attacks ever in history. sundaypost.com