Best Practices In Mobile App Testing


Uploaded on May 18, 2018

Category Technology

The realm of software testing is changing — and so is the role of the software tester. ... the skills and tools to look at the large business picture beyond the testing team. Software Testing plays an important role in SDLC.

Category Technology



Best Practices In Mobile App Testing

PowerPoint Presentation Best Practices In Mobile App Testing • We all know that mobile app testing is a crucial and time-consuming task as it discovers the bugs in the app with unique challenges. Mobile testing is necessary to deliver a high quality end product in the market and gain market. • It is significant that every mobile app developer works recognized, effective practices for mobile application testing. If the software developer is working on some app then it’s necessary that the app undergoes complete and accurate mobile testing before it is launched into the market, and that the testing is to be implemented in different stages. • Though, in this fast-paced software industry, mobile app testing faces quite a lot of challenges due to vast differences in network, devices, and OS platforms. Listed below are some of the challenges that you must consider before diving into the mobile testing: Test the Plan Schedule:  According to me it’s better to start the mobile application testing at the first stage of development process in order to complete the project on time. Mobile App Testing is no different from coding and should be implemented out at every level of the software development lifecycle. It is best to recognise the flaws and correct them at a former stage than later. Testing on Real Devices Always prefer to use several simulators and emulators in testing mobile apps in the starting phase of the development. Testing mobile apps on the actual devices   allow corporations to create test cases. It also permits businesses to have a better clue of the appearance and feel and the performance of the app. Test Early and Test Often It states that prefer to start the testing procedure as soon as possible in order to get effective results. This helps in determining the bugs at an early stage rather than fixing them later that might be costly to fix. And do not forget to track results of each cycle. Ensure your App is Truly Global Your mobile must have capability to grab the worldwide customers. Software developers must make sure that the mobile app supports several languages and currencies and can be easily integrated with various social networking sites. To test these types of apps must be tough but you have to prepare test cases effectively and then start working on it. Performance If your mobile app loads too slowly then nobody is going to visit it and it may leads to losing potential customers. Therefore, it is significant for companies to select a correct Mobility Testing   Services Partner who runs   several tests on the mobile app so that it does not crash often and offers a seamless User   Experience. Testing Updates and Install/Uninstall Steps Before moving ahead to final submission of mobile app to an app store, it is must for QA engineers to test the whole installation procedure of the mobile app. If the user have signed up in the app then he must not logged out after the update in order to analyse the database and existing data in the mobile.