Legal Requirements for LLC Company Formation in UAE


Uploaded on Aug 29, 2023

Category Business

Discover the essential legal prerequisites for establishing a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in the UAE. MPMS is a popular business consultancy that offers top-notch services for LLC Company Formation in UAE.

Category Business



Legal Requirements for LLC Company Formation in UAE

Legal Requirements for LLC Company Formation in UAE INTRODUCTION Setting up a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) can be a lucrative endeavour, but it's important to understand the legal requirements that come with it. The UAE offers a business-friendly environment for both local and foreign investors, making the process smoother, but adherence to legal protocols is essential. Get ready to unlock opportunities in this business-friendly environment while ensuring compliance and success. MPMS is a popular business consultancy that offers top-notch service for LLC Company Formation in UAE. Here's a Breakdown of the Key Legal Requirements for LLC Company Formation in UAE: 01 Shareholding Structure 02 Local Partner or Sponsor 03 Minimum Capital Requirement 04 Business Activity and License Shareholding Structure To form an LLC in the UAE, a minimum of two and a maximum of fifty shareholders is required. While there can be foreign shareholders, the majority of shares (at least 51%) must be owned by UAE nationals or a UAE company wholly owned by nationals. Local Partner or Sponsor In most emirates, foreign investors are required to have a local partner or sponsor who owns at least 51% of the company's shares. This local partner is a UAE national or a UAE-owned company. However, certain free zones allow 100% foreign ownership without the need for a local sponsor. Minimum Capital Requirement While the UAE abolished the mandatory minimum capital requirement in 2017, specific emirates may still impose such requirements based on the type of business activity. The capital can be paid in full at the time of registration. Business Activity and License Defining your business activity is crucial. The UAE has over 2,000 business activities grouped into various categories. You'll need to obtain the appropriate license for your chosen activity, which can range from professional services to industrial activities. THANKS Contact Us +971-55 (554) 0853 [email protected]