Trenchless Pipe Installation Horizontal Directional Drilling


Uploaded on Jan 22, 2020

Category Technology

Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is the most commonly used trenchless process for installing water pipe.Traditionally these applications were reserved for only roadway and river crossings. Today, HDD is employed for a myriad of other applications where the benefits of trenchless installation can be derived.

Category Technology



Trenchless Pipe Installation Horizontal Directional Drilling

uni-bel l t e c h n i c a l Publ icat iOn S u S Ta I N a b L E P I P E I N F R a S T R u C T u R E – I T ‘ S O u R R E S P O N S I b I L I T y PVC PIPE THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR TRENCHLESS PROJECTS I N T R O D u C T I O N Construction in densely populated urban settings significantly increases real construction costs while greatly impacting the indirect social costs that are These “no-dig” procedures enable con- associated with interruptions to the flow of traffic and tractors to install pipe by obstacles to both businesses and the public. The tunneling or boring, thus construction of new underground infrastructure, or the greatly minimizing the rehabilitation of old infrastructure, presents the utility social costs associated with engineer and contractor with the challenge of the disruption to traffic, pedestrians, businesses minimizing the impact of these disruptions on the and customers. surface, while making these needed improvements underground. While open-cut installation procedures construction typically involves small continue to be the standard method localized excavations from which the of construction for municipal piping installation of pipe is completed by projects, various trenchless technology either pulling or pushing of the pipeline developments are making these through pre-drilled bore holes or the options more economically viable and existing pipe. Similarly, it is also appealing. These “no-dig” procedures possible to rehabilitate deteriorating enable contractors to install pipe by municipal pipelines without digging up tunneling or boring, thus greatly tlihne .e nTtihre trenchless rehabilitation minimizing the social costs associated processes can often restore both the with the disruption to traffic, structural integrity and the flow pedestrians, businesses and characteristics of the pipe. customers. Trenchless 2 T R E N C H L E S S T E C H N O L O G I E S W E L L S u I T E D F O R P V C P I P E S Sliplining, horizontal directional drilling (HDD), tight fit structural liner, and pipebursting are a few of the well-developed trenchless technology methods currently used for new construction and rehabilitation of pipelines. These construction techniques require piping products capable of withstanding large axial compressive and/or tensile forces. Through the development of several innovative joint designs, a number of PVC pipe producers offer pipe well suited for these trenchless pipe situations. The same properties that have made PVC the market leader among pipe materials for water and sewer applications in North america make PVC a material of choice in the performance of trenchless applications. The wide acceptance of PVC pipe among municipalities for open- cut construction also makes PVC pipe a preferred and familiar choice for trenchless installations in capital improvement projects as well as rehabilitation. T I G H T F I ST T R u C T u R a L I N E L R Tight fit structural lining with PVC is accomplished by expanding a specially formulated C900/C905/aSTM D2241 PVC that has been butt fused together in a continuous length. It is inserted into the host pipe and then brought to tight fit dimensions through a combination of heat and pressure. The lining maintains and/or increases flow capability by providing the C value of PVC that more than offsets the slight reduction in flow area. 3 P V C P I P E T R E N C H L E S SC O N S T R u C T I O N O P T I O N S There are four trenchless technology methods for which PVC pipes offer the best option. These are Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), Sliplining, Tight Fit Structural Liner and Pipebursting. Table 1 summarizes the common trenchless methods, their applications, the reference specifications and the corresponding PVC pipe products that are available. Table 1: Construction/Rehabilitation Process and PVC Solutions MethOd aPPlicat iOn S t a n d a r d aSTM F 949 Segmental Gravity Piping System Rehabilitation aSTM F 794 Sliplining aSTM F 1803 aWWa C900/C905 Continuous Pressure Piping System Rehabilitation CSa b137.3 aSTM D2241 aWWa C900/C905 Horizontal Directional New Pressure & Gravity CSa b137.3 Drilling (HDD) Piping System Construction aSTM D2241 aWWa C900/C905 Pipe bursting Pressure & Gravity CSa b137.3 Piping System aSTM D2241 Rehabilitation Tight Fit Pressure & Gravity aWWa C900/C905 Structural Liner Piping System Rehabilitation aSTM D2241 Products utilize pipe that meet the referenced standard. 4 H O R I Z O N T a D I R E C T I OL N a L D R I L L I N G Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is the most commonly used trenchless process for installing water pipe. Traditionally these applications were reserved for only roadway and river crossings. Fig. 1a: Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Method Today, HDD is employed for a mofy oritahder applications where the benefits of trenchless installation can be derived. In recent years, developments in the precision of HDD machinery, specifically the ability to monitor and steer the pilot bore with high levels of accuracy that maintain line and grade, has also enabled the installation of gravity sewer pipes. Fig. 1b: Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Method HDD, Figure 1a, is performed with a drilling rig, Figure 1b, and involves three essential steps. First a pilot bore is created, covering the distance over which the pipe is to be installed. Highly sophisticated electronics enable the drilling rods to be carefully guided and its direction of travel to be monitored. Reamers are then pulled back to obtain a diameter large enough to accommodate the diameter of the pipe. Simultaneously, drilling mud is pumped into the bore to stabilize the boring and to prevent soil collapse. In the final step, the new pipe to be installed is pulled back through the bore, Figures c & d. Fig. 1d: Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Method Fig. 1c: Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Method 5 S L I P L I N I N G Sliplining is a process outside diameter of the liner pipe is for rehabilitating dete- less than the inside diameter of the host pipe, which leaves an annular riorated large- space between the two. In many diameter gravity cases, this annulus is filled with a piping systems or for grout after installation, particularly if the rehabilitating of the host pipe is in a high state of deterioration. Grouting of the annular pressure distribution space provides additional support for and transmission lines. the liner pipe, helps protect the liner Sliplining involves the pipe if the host pipe is in structural insertion of a new pipe distress, and stops water infiltration Fig. 2b: Continuous Sliplining through the host pipe annulus space. inside the defective The loss in cross- sectional area is host pipe, either in often offset by the improved flow PVC slipliners are designed to provide segments or as a con- characteristics of the new PVC pipe. both structural support as well as an tinuous section of pipe. improved flow path to the deficient host pipe, and have been in wide use Continuous sliplining, Figure 2b, with in North america for over two PVC pipe is more prevalent in the decades. rehabilitation of potable water Segmental sliplining, Figure 2a, is the distribution and transmission least disruptive type of rehabilitation pipelines. In this process, the liner for gravity sewer lines. Profile-wall pipe, which is manufactured to PVC pipe, conforming to aSTM aWWa C900/C905 and aSTM D2241 gravity pipe standards, with smooth requirements, are assembled in their joints (both inside and outside), are entirety prior to being pulled into the assembled in segments at entry deteriorated host pipe as a Fig. 2a: Segmented Sliplining points along the length of the continuous pipeline. as with gravity deteriorated host pipe, and inserted systems, grouting of the annulus is directly into the host pipe by either often employed to help stabilize the pulling or pushing. a section of the pipeline and increase the life top half of the host pipe is often cut expectancy of the line. When off to provide lead-in access. The required, taps are made after the pull- in of the new pipe into the host pipe. 6 P I P b u R S T I N E G The diameter of pipe being burst Pipe bursting can be typically ranges from 2 to 30 inches, applied on a wide range although pipes of larger diameters can of pipe sizes and types be burst. Pipe bursting is commonly performed size-for-size or one size and in a variety of soil upsize above the diameter of the and site conditions. existing pipe. Larger upsize (up to three pipe sizes) has been successful, Fig. 3: Bursting Head but the larger the pipe upsizing, the greater the force required to burst the existing pipe and to pull the new pipe and the greater the potential for ground movement (upheave). This is another rehabilitation method of replacing both pressure and gravity lines with new pipe and involves the breaking of an existing pipeline by brittle fracture, using mechanically applied force from within. While the deteriorated pipe fragments are forced into the surrounding ground, a new pipe of the same or larger diameter is pulled in to replace the original pipe. Pipe bursting is performed by the insertion of a conically shaped bursting head, Figure 3, into a deteriorated pipe and causing it to shatter by pneumatic or hydraulic action, Figure 4. Fig. 4: Pipe Bursting 7 P V C P R E S S u R EP I P E S Ta N D a R D FS O R T R E N C H L E S S C O N S T R u C T I O N PVC pressure pipes are routinely used for potable water distribution and transmission, as well as in sanitary sewer force mains. The hydrostatic design basis (HDb) of PVC pressure pipe is the sustained hoop stress value from which the long-term pressure rating of the material is established. HDb is the starting Specific information on point for determining the pressure capacity of a given wall thickness. aWWa available wall and aSTM standards for conventional PVC pressure pipe require an HDb of thickness and pressure 4000 psi. class Table 2: PVC Pressure Pipe Standards for Trenchless rating should be obtained Construction S t a n d a r d ava i lab le d iaMeterS (in) from aWWa C900 4 - 12 aWWa C905 14 - 48 manufacturers. CSa b137.3 4 - 48 Products utilize aSTMD2241 2 - 24 pipe that meet the referenced standard. There are currently four PVC pressure pipe standards to which products for trenchless technology are manufactured. Table 2 summarizes the size ranges available for each of these common standards. Pressure Ratings (and Classes) up to 315 psi are available for diameters up to 16 inches, 235 psi for diameters up to 24 inches, and 165 psi for diameters up to 48 inches. 8 P V C G R a V I T y P I P E S T a N D a R D S F O R T R E N C H L E S S C O N S T R u C T I O N Profile wall pipe generally fall into three categories – open Non-pressure PVC pipes profile (OP), closed profile (CP), and dual wall corrugated have been in use in the U.S. since the early 1960s. Today, profile (DWCP). OP pipe have their rib-enforcements PVC gravity pipe is used in exposed on the outside of the pipe and are manufactured sanitary sewer, storm sewer to meet the requirements of aSTM F794. CP pipe make and highway drainage and use of a closed profile that provides a continuous outer culvert applications. There wall where the wall sections are hollow and are often are two main groups of PVC described as an I-beam or honeycomb (refer to aSTM gravity pipe --- solid wall and profile wall. For sliplin- F1803). DWCP pipe have a smooth-wall waterway, braced ing, only profile wall pipes circumferentially with an external corrugated wall (see are utilized. There are three aSTM F949 & F794). profile wall pipe standards While all PVC pressure pipe is 12454 and 12364 (minimum tensile for trenchless rehabilitation. manufactured ONLy to cell strength of 6000 psi, minimum classification 12454 (tensile strength of modulus of elasticity of 440,000 psi). • ASTM F794 7000 psi, modulus of elasticity of Pipe manufactured to either • ASTM F949 400,000 psi), some sewer pipe formulation performs very well for • standards allow manufacture of both sliplining applications. ASTM F1803 cell classifications Table 3: ASTM Gravity PVC Pipe Standards S t a n d a r d SPecificatiOn W a l l tyPe crOSS Sect iOn PerfOrMance S t r u c t u r a l JOining deS ignat iOn d iaMeter requireMentS c e l l c l aSS SySteMS 12454/ Gasket- aSTM F794 DWCP Pipe Stiffness 4” - 48” PS = 46 12364 Joint Gasket- aSTM F949 DWCP Pipe Stiffness 4” - 36” PS = 46 12454 Joint Closed 12454/ Gasket- aSTM F1803 Pipe Stiffness 18” - 60” PS = 46 12364 Joint Profile D3034 Gasket/ F679 butt (D2241 and Solid Wall Pipe Stiffness 4” - 36” PS 46,115 12454 Fused aWWa sizes)* Joints * Pressure Pipe 9 P V C P I P E : a D V a N T a G E FS O R T R E N C H L E S S a P P L I C a T I O N S Water Quality: PVC water • Corrosion Resistance / Durability: PVC is inherently well suited for buried pipe delivers water as applications as it does not corrode internally or externally. This eliminates the need to specify a corrosion protection method that adds costs and increase clean and pure as it risks. unlike other products, with PVC, long-term durability is not receives. compromised when encasement bags are punctured or torn, or when thin coatings or linings are damaged. PVC is corrosion resistant and not It imparts no taste or odor vulnerable to deterioration from low resistivity drilling muds commonly used to the water it transports, with horizontal directional drilling and other trenchless construction methods. System design and installation are simplified with a homogeneous wall, and a PVC is not a source of lead durable pipe material that doesn’t require liners or coatings. For sanitary or other chemical contami- sewers, PVC pipe is resistant to virtually all the chemicals found in domestic and industrial wastewaters. In addition, PVC is highly resistant to erosion or nants associated with metal abrasion wear. pipe, and does not react • Strength: When properly designed and installed, PVC pipes can handle with even the most aggres- external loads from over 120 feet of ground cover and are available with sive water. PVC’s smooth internal pressure ratings up to 315 psi) with associated pipe stiffness of more than 800 lbs/in/in. PVC pipes are also able to bend or flex without breaking, non-biodegradable interior making them ideally suited to handle ground movements caused by unstable, wall surface makes it more shifting soils and earthquakes. because PVC pipe is stiffer (higher modulus of elasticity) than other thermoplastic pipes, it offers a much greater capacity for resistant to bio-film build-up. maintaining grade and is less prone to ponding and sagging. In comparison to other methods of rehabilitation such as Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP), which do not necessarily provide structural renewal to the host pipe, sliplining with inserted PVC pipes adds structural renewal to the deteriorated host pipe. • Hydraulics: PVC’s immunity to internal corrosion also eliminates tuberculation -– the build-up of corrosion by-products that can reduce hydraulic capacity and increase pumping costs. PVC pipe’s smoother internal wall surface minimizes fluid friction and flow resistance. The need for cleaning and maintenance are eliminated or reduced, thereby lowering operating costs. Numerous experimental and real-life data provide testimony of PVC’s smooth internal flow characteristics in its long-term performance. For PVC pressure systems, a conservative Hazen-Williams “C” factor of 150 is widely accepted and used. This equates to a much lower lifetime pumping and maintenance costs. Similarly, the accepted value of Manning “n” for PVC gravity sewer pipes is 0.009. This is significantly lower than that of traditional piping materials such as clay or concrete. 10 P V C P I P E : a D V a N T a G E F O R T SR E N C H L E S S a P P L I C a T I O N S • Superior Strength-to-Weight Ratio: Fewer pounds of material are Longevity: PVC has been required to manufacture a foot of PVC pipe versus a foot of metal or utilized since the 1950s as concrete pipe. That weight advantage is quite significant. Not only does it make PVC more economical on a per-foot basis, it also conserves resources, both a water and sewer lowers shipping costs, simplifies and reduces the time needed for installation, main material, longer than and decreases the number and severity of injuries for installation crews. Collectively, these advantages result in lower installed costs. ductile iron and • Watertight Joints: PVC pipes for most water distribution applications and polyethylene. PVC’s proven sanitary sewers are designed with gasket-joints. These reinforced gaskets track record supports form a permanent seal. Water systems can expect zero leakage at joints. When used for sewers, watertight joints mean less chances of infiltration or expectations of a very long exfiltration. Watertight joints significantly reduce the risks of a treatment service life. An independent facility from becoming overloaded. Consequently, a lower volume of water to treat substantially reduces operating costs. Watertight joints also reduce the AwwaRF research project likelihood that embedment soil will be washed away, potentially weakening entitled LONG TERM the pipe or nearby structures such as paved roadways. PERFORMANCE • Crack Resistant Flexibility: PVC pipes also have an ability to bend or flex PREDICTION FOR PVC when subjected to excessive loads. as a result, they develop fewer cracks and breaks – another source of leaks and a major entry point for tree roots PIPES concluded that PVC surrounding embedment soils, two costly reasons why sewer systems get pipes are capable of 100 + blocked and need extra maintenance. Water leaking into sewer pipes through cracks and breaks can also increase the volume of wastewater that treatment year performance. facilities must process. That, too, can drive up operating costs significantly. • Maintainability: Due to the high acceptance of PVC pipe for water and sewer applications, PVC maintenance equipment, repair parts, and appurtenances are readily available in the utilities warehouse or at the local distributor. There is no need to be concerned with having the proper materials for emergency repairs or routine connections. Many alternative products require stiffeners and other equipment that does not allow the utility to make a quality repair or connection with standard off-the-shelf fittings properly sized for the pipe. PVC’s coefficient of thermal expansion and contraction is four times less than that of alternative thermoplastic pipe materials such as polyethylene (HDPE), which minimizes concerns over proper restraint. 11 PVC PIPE a S S I S T a N C The Erehabilitation of existing sewer and water infrastructure installation needs. If you would like more information or have is a challenge faced by all utilities. PVC has a proven track specific questions regarding the application of PVC pipes for record of long-term performance and leads the water and various trenchless and/or rehabilitation needs, you are invited sewer industry in market share. utilities, design engineers, to contact the uni-bell PVC Pipe association or its member and contractors are benefiting from the application of PVC companies. pipe products to their pipeline rehabilitation and trenchless UNI-BELL MEMBER COMPANIES REGULAR MEMBERS INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATE MEMBERS CertainTeed Corporation Contech Construction Products Amanco Group Century Eslon Limited Diamond Plastics Corporation Freedom Plastics, Inc. Interplast, Limited Iplex Pipelines Australia IPEX, Inc. JM Eagle Marley New Zealand Ltd. PETCO S.A. Lamson Vylon Pipe Company National Pipe & Plastics, Inc. Reliance Industries Ltd. Vinidex North American Pipe Corporation Northern Pipe Products Wavin Overseas B.V. Pipelife Jet Stream, Inc. Royal Pipe Systems ASSOCIATE MEMBERS AFFILIATED ASSOCIATION American Maplan Corporation Arkema, Inc. The Vinyl Institute Cincinnati Extrusion, Inc. Cincinnati Milacron ColorMatrix Corporation Corma, Inc. The statements in this publication are those of the Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association and are not war- ranties, nor are they intended to be warranties. Inquiries for information on specific products, EBAA Iron, Inc. Formosa Plastics Corporation their attributes and recommended uses and manufacturer’s warranty should be directed to GPK Products, Inc. Georgia Gulf Corporation member companies. Holland Colours Americas Harrington Corporation KibbeChem, Inc. Honeywell Specialty Chemicals Although every attempt is made to assure factual accuracy, Uni-Bell and Rainmaker Advertising ac- Omya, Inc. Krause-Maffei Corporation cept no responsibility for unintentional errors, other than printing a correction in a future issue. Plastics Extrusion Machinery, Inc. OxyVinyls LP Rohm & Haas Company Reagens, USA Shintech, Inc. S & B Technical Products, Inc. Specified Fittings, Inc. Theysohn Vinyl Extrusion Technologies, Inc. Tigre USA, Inc. Underground Solutions Westlake Chemical Corp. uNI-Pub-11-07 Published by: uni-bell PVC Pipe association 2711 LbJ Freeway Ste. 1000 • Dallas, Texas 75234 Ph: (972) 243-3902 • Fax: (972) 243-3907