Number of States With Most Structurally Deficient And Functionally Obsolete Bridges


Uploaded on Nov 30, 2022

United Bridge Partners is the top private bridge capital fund in the United States. We offer financial assistance to local people across the country to maintain old and dilapidated roads or bridges.



Number of States With Most Structurally Deficient And Functionally Obsolete Bridges

Number of States With Most Structurally Deficient And Functionally Obsolete Bridges Overview Roads and bridges are very important for a nation’s infrastructure. According to a recent survey report, there are more than 600,000 bridges across the world. Sadly, more than 46,000 bridges are structurally deficient and functionally obsolete. Clearly, all these bridges require repair. In order to repair old and deficient transportation infrastructure, private bridge infrastructure companies invest private bridge capital to help the local government of the United States. Following are some states with the most structurally deficient and functionally obsolete bridges: South Dakota Iowa West Virginia Rhode Island South Dakota There are 5,821 bridges in South Dakota and 991 bridges of them are structurally deficient and requires repair. Do you know that four out of 10 most traveled defunct bridges are located in Minnehaha County. In fact, most of the structurally deficient bridges in South Dakota were constructed in 2018. Iowa There are 24,043 bridges in Iowa and 19 percent of them are defunct. According to a recent survey report, only six of the state’s structurally deficient bridges are located on interstate highway systems. The Rock Island Centennial Bridge, which is the most travelled bridge in Iowa requires repair. It was constructed in 1940 and spans over Mississippi River. West Virginia Out of 7291 bridges in West Virginia, 21 percent bridges are defunct and requires repair. The most travelled bridge - Kanawha Turnpike was built in 1974 and requires repair. Rhode Island There are 779 bridges in West Virginia. But, 174 bridges of 779 bridges are functionally obsolete. The most travelled bridge on Rhode Island - I- 95, which was constructed in 1964 requires repair. THANKS Contact Us +1(720)893-7508 [email protected]