Uploaded on Mar 27, 2023
The mere possibility of spending a day at a Yacht or a Boat in somewhere as breathtaking as Los Cabos wins over most of the hearts. Since numerous years, the tourism industry of Cabos has attracted its clients with the unforgettable nautical experiences they offer.
Top 7 Private Yacht & Boat Rentals In Los Cabos & Mexico
Top7 PrivateYac ht&BoatRen talsInLosCa bos www.lifestylevillas.net Themerepossibilityofspendingadayata YachtoraBoatinsomewhereasbreathtakingas LosCaboswinsovermostofthehearts.Sincenu merousyears,thetourism industry of Cabos has attracted itsclients with the unforgettable nauticalexperiences they offer. With the ongoingSpringBreak,LosCabosvacati onren talsonce again have topped the charts and theplaceisbuzzingwithpeoplefromalloverthe world.Thedemandforyachtsandthedesirefortas tingitsluXuryhasincreasedmanifoldover the years. In the midst of all the trivia,this article will be your guide to the mostsumptuousyetpracticalYachtandBoatch arteringinLosCabos. www.lifestylevillas.net CHOOSEYOURPICK OneStopShop Ifyou’relookingforawholesomeexperience, steeringc l e a r o fh a s s l e s o f r e s e a r c h i n g , choosingtherightoption,booking,followingupa ndc o o r d i n a ti n g d u r i n g y o u r v a c a ti o n t h e C a b o s VilasandCabosPlatinumareh e r e t o y o u r r escue. CabosVillas TheCaboSanLucasY a c h t C h a r t e r s a r e defin itelyajackpotifyou’replanningforafullfledged vacationthatincludesayachtinit.Theydonots pecializeinyachtrentalshowevertheydopro videasmallcollectionofl u Xuryy a c h t s andeach ofthemexudelavishbeauty. www.lifestylevillas.net Startingfrom$145perperson,theyaddthefinal flourishtoyourvacati onatLosCabos.Thecompany hasbeenlivinguptotheexpectati onsofitsclientsf orover35yearsa n d o ff e r s a v a s t rangeofvillas, resorts,fancybachelorettevacations,spaservices, hiringaprivatechef,transportation,carrentals,dest inationweddingandmuchmore. www.lifestylevillas.net CaboPlatinum Kickstartingwithitsbeauti fullyelaboratewebsite,TheCabo PlatinumisanothergoldminethatprovidesadelightfulluXuri ousexperiencefromthebeginningtoend.Highl ighti ngt heirawardwinningvacationplanning,t h e i r g o a l i s t o delivert hemostspectaculartailormadevacati onthattheirclientc ouldpossiblyimagine.Theyshowcase37exquisitevesselsalongwi thgourmetservices,VIPtours,helicoptertoursandprivatejetchar ters.TheirCaboL u XuryY a c h t Charterdepartmentrightfullybo astsa b o u t o p ti o n s u p t o 200ft,n u m e r o u s e s t a t e r o o m s a n d y o u r p e r s o n a l conciergewaitingrightatthe dockforyou. www.lifestylevillas.net TheNauticalNiche This isfor thepicky ones,who areon alookout for the celebrated yacht charters of LosCabos and have gotten the rest of theirvacationpreplanned. DayYachtCharters Oneofthemostreputedy a c h t c h a r t e r compan iesinLosC a b o s , D a y Y a c h t C h a r t e r s offert ripstomultipledestinationswithprettyattractivede als.Itisthefi rstprivateyachtchartercompanyinP uertoRicowhichhasextensivelyestablisheditselfin about30destinations.Thebiggestadvantagethe yprovideistheexcitingopportunitytostartyourv acationattheyachti nLosCabosandtraveltoa nyplaceyoufancyfromthehugespreadoutoft h eir30hotspotsintheworld. www.lifestylevillas.net Don’tbedeceivedbytheirdullwebsite,this nicheorientedcompanysatisfiesitscustomerswith a variety of boats in their fleet, such asPowerboats,Sailingboats,LuXuryPowerYacht s,LuXuryMegaYachtsandCatamaranstomeet theneedsoftheirdiverseclientele. www.lifestylevillas.net Land’sEndCharters Ifyou’relookingforanauthenticexperience,yoursearchendshe re.TheLand’sEndChartersisacloseknitcommunity of professionals that have sailed towardssuccess through a family business of fishing. They takeprideintheirwarmandwelcomingcrewwhichprom isesasplendidjourneytoeachoftheirclients. HighlyrecommendedbythefamousTripAdvisor,thiscom panyoffersaround30versatileluXuryyachtspleasingitsc ustomerswithatraditionaltomoderntaste. Theyenhanceyourjourneywiththeircustommadeitineraries thatcovereveryaspectofLosCabosthatone couldposs iblyimagine. www.lifestylevillas.net CaboYachtWorld Coming off as the alpha in its niche, The Cabo YachtWorldwillblowyourmindwithitsluXuryyachtfleet. Their posh line up of yachts is absolutely dreamy. Whiletheir customers obsess over the spaciousdeluXebedrooms,lounges,fullfledgeddiningareas,pan oramicroofsandlavishinteriors,complimentaryassistancei sgivenforwatersportsincludingwhalesharksnorkeling. TheCaboYachtWorldalsooffersroyalyachtsw h i c h includea premiumchef,videographyandphotography.Theirs impl i sti cwebs i temay not lookveryfasc inati ng but itisprettyu serfriendlyandsurelygetsthejobdone. www.lifestylevillas.net DoitYourself Ifyou’resomeonewholikestoplan,selectand managetheirvacationbythemselves,cuttingout allmiddlemenandtakingthetimetohandpicke verythingforyourstay,GetMyBoatandBoatse tterarethetwogemsthathavegotyoucovered. GetMyBoat Witharefreshingwebdesign,GetMyBoathassto l enheartsofmanyincludingt h e b i g s h o t s l i k e F o r b e s , NewYorkTimesandevenTheWallS t r e e t J o u r n a l whichquotedthatthisyachtrentaloperateslikeAirbn bforwatercraft.Actingasthebridgebetweencountlesscust omerstob o a t o w n e r s , t h e s i t e h a s beendeeme dtobethew o r l d ’ s l a r g e s t b o a t r e n t a l andwate rexperiencem a r k e t p l a c e w h i c h c o m e s a t part othetraditi onalyachtrentals inLosCabos www.lifestylevillas.net Theyalsohavetheir veryownappwith morethan 150,000listingsin184countriesandsimultaneouslycov ering9,300destinations.Theysecureitsuserswith 24/7 customer support, fraud protection andrenteridenti tyverifi cati on.Knownforitswellpl easedclientele,theynotonlyofferboatrentalsbutalsojetski rentals, sailboats, fishing charters, pontoons,paddle boats, houseboats, kayaks, scuba diving andevenwhalewatching! www.lifestylevillas.net Boatsetter Search-Connect-Book- Cruise:Justfoureasystepsandyou’reallsettohaveane xperienceofalifetime. Boatsetterisanotherplatformthathascomeupwiththemo steasywaytoconnectboatowners,qualifi edrentersa ndlicensedcaptainswithouthavingtopayanymembersh ipfees.Startedoffin2012,ithasemergedasoneofthemostrel iablemethodstonotonlyearnagoodbuckfromyourvessel butalsomakeunforgett ablememories.Ithas50,000boats inm o r e t h a n 7 0 0 locationsallovertheworld.Witha muchmorefl exibleapproach,itmeetstheneedsofitscust omerswithouthavingtopayextravagantprices,givingco mpeti ti ontotheestablishedboatchartersinLosCabos. www.lifestylevillas.net CompanyandContact Information LIFESTYLEVillasLLC&LVCaboS.A.deC.V.Carret eraTranspeninsularKm4.5,ElTezalCabo SanLucasB.C.SMexico23454 TOLLFREE:888-655- 9589 TEL:6 1 9 - 5 6 4 - 4 3 9 9 FAX:619-955-6624 Let'sSocialize www.lifestylevillas.net