

Uploaded on Sep 13, 2023

Category Education
Category Education




logging Structure { "log_type": "error|info|warning|debug", // The severity of the log "timestamp": "ISO_format_time", // Time when the log was generated. "module": "module/plugin/theme_name", // Which part of WordPress generated the log. "action": "specific_action_or_event", // What was being done when the log was generated. "user": { "id": "user_id", // ID of the logged-in user "username": "username", // Username of the logged-in user "role": "user_role" // Role of the user (e.g., administrator, editor, subscriber) }, "request": { "url": "current_url", // The URL of the page where the action occurred. "method": "GET|POST|PUT", // HTTP method. "ip": "user_ip_address" // IP address of the user }, "message": "detailed_message", // A detailed description of the log/event "data": { // Any additional data related to the log. // This could include post IDs, theme settings, plugin configurations, etc. } } Centralized Function  function custom_log($logtype, $module, $action, $message, $user = array(), $request = array(), $data = array() ) { $log = array( "log_type"=> $logtype, "timestamp" => date('c'), // ISO format "module" => $module, "action" => $action, "message" => $message, "user" => $user, "request" => $request, "data" => $data ); send_to_external_service($log); } Integration with External / Internal Services function send_to_external_service( $log ) { // For example, using elasticsearch: send_to_elasticsearch($log); // For example, using WordPress debug.log: write_wp_log($log); } WordPress debug.log implementation function write_wp_log( $log ) { // Convert the structured data to a JSON string $log_string = json_encode( $log, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT );  // Use error_log to write the stringified log data to WP's debug.log error_log( $log_string ); } Elasticsearch implementation function send_to_elasticsearch( $log ) { $es_url = 'ES IP/wordpress_logs/_doc/'; $args = array( 'method' => 'POST', 'headers' => array('Content-Type' => 'application/json'), 'body' => json_encode( $log ) ); wp_remote_request( $es_url, $args ); }