Uploaded on Mar 31, 2021
Washington Open MRI provides World's Most Advanced Positional MRI examinations. We serve Washington dc, Maryland & Northern Virginia. Visit https://www.washingtonopenmri.com/ or call us now at +1-866-674-2727 for more information.
MRI scanners are routine on Washington Open MRI’s new Stand-Up Open MRI
MRI SCANNERS ARE ROUTINE ON WASHINGTON OPEN MRI’S NEW STAND-UP OPEN MRI Visit : washingtonopenmri.com STAND UP MRI OXON HILL Offtten an uprriightt orr Sttand Up MRII // Siitt Down MRII possiittiion iiss tthe onlly possiittiion iin whiich tthe pattiientt’’ss ssympttomss occurr.. Cerrttaiin carrdiiovasscullarr and neurrollogiicall diissorrderrss exhiibiitt ttheiirr ssympttomss prriimarriilly when tthe pattiientt iiss uprriightt.. The ssame iiss ttrrue off tthe GII ttrractt and tthe sspiine and jjoiinttss,, iinclludiing hiipss,, kneess and anklless.. Couplled wiitth MRII’’ss unparrallllelled abiilliitty tto ““ssee”” ssofftt ttiissssuess,, Sttand--Up Open MRII giivess physsiiciianss a morre glloball viiew off patthollogy and iittss iimpactt on ffuncttiion.. OPEN MRI From the perspective of medicine, Stand-Up Open MRI provides a dramatic view of the body’s interior. For the first time, Washington Open MRI brings to the medical practice the newfound ability to see all the body’s organs and tissues in their normal position of function – upright. •This technological breakthrough is second to none in the MRI imaging world, and fully reimbursed by all insurance carriers at no additional cost to the patient. Addrressss:: 1155000055 SShhaaddyy GGrroovvee RRdd.. SSuu.. 111100 RRoocckkvviillllee,, MMDD 2200885500,, UUnniitteedd SSttaatteess OOffffiiccee:: ((330011))442244--44888888 FFAAXX:: ((330011))442244--55226600 PPhhoonnee:: ++11--886666--667744--22772277 GGmaaiill:: [email protected] Weebbssiittee:: hhttttppss::////wwwwww..wwaasshhiinnggttoonnooppeennmrrii..ccoom// hhttttppss::////wwwwww..ffaacceebbooookk..ccoom//PPoossiittiioonnaallMMRRII// hhttttppss::////ttwwiitttteerr..ccoom//wwaasshhiinnggttoonnoomrrii hhttttppss::////wwwwww..lliinnkkeeddiinn..ccoom//iinn//bbiillllkkiissssee// hhttttppss::////wwwwww..iinnssttaaggrraam..ccoom//wwaasshhiinnggttoonnooppeennmrrii//