STAND-UP MRI With New Technology


Uploaded on Dec 16, 2019

Washington Open MRI offering high field Stand-Up & Sit-Down Open MRI and full-body Open MRI scanner service in Chevy Chase for any patients who would like to discover and thereby prevent future disease. To know more information please, visit or call us at +1 866-674-2727.



STAND-UP MRI With New Technology

STAND-UP MRI With New Technology STA ND- UP MRI Washington Open MRI now has the world’s only high field full-body Open MRI scanner that can scan patients in the sitting or standing position. 1 . Our new Stand Up MRI Owings Mills and Sit Down MRI technology allows you to watch TV during your Open MRI scan!  2.  No more fear of claustrophobia or being squeezed into a tube. 3. Washington Open MRI’s Stand-Up Open- MRI is the world’s only Patient-Friendly™ scanner. 4. Our Stand Up Open MRI technology is totally open! Thiis technollogiicall breakthrough iis second to none iin the MRI iimagiing worlld, and fulllly reiimbursed by allll iinsurance carriiers at no addiitionall cost to the patient. The revolutionary scanner features the onlly MRI-compatiblle, motoriized, mullti-posiitionall, patient posiitioniing system, whiich has been engiineered to be fulllly functionall Insiide the scanner’s magnetic fielld. It can posiition the patient for the fullll range of conventionall “lliie- down” MRI scanning, or upright for weiight-beariing studiies. The full length of the spine can be imaged in the normal weight-bearing posture, even with the patient touching their toes for full flexion images of the lumbar spine. Unusual patient positions that are impossible on conventional “lie- down” MRI scanners are routine on Washington Open MRI’s new Stand-Up Open MRI. Address: 15005 Shady Grove Rd. Su. 110 Rockville, MD 20850, United States Office: (301)424-4888 FAX: (301)424-5260 Phone: +1-866-674-2727 Gmail: [email protected] Website: