Horizontal Designer Radiators


Uploaded on Jun 27, 2020

Modernise your living space with a fantastic horizontal designer radiator. Available in a variety of sizes and colours with FREE UK delivery on ALL orders over £500



Horizontal Designer Radiators

PRICE MATCH - TEST US TODAY 0844 504 6767 W E H E AT R A D I AT O R S T O W E L R A I L S Buy Radiators, Heated Towel Rails, Boilers and Cylinders from WeHeat A B O U T U S WEHEAT RADIATORS & TOWEL RAILS Our unbeatable knowledge in the field, coupled with our noticeable passion for providing our customers with an exceptional level of service, ensures that we’re the first port of call for customers looking for beautiful, practical heating products suitable for any project and any budget. W E H E AT W e H e a t h a s b e e n a n o n l i n e p l u m b i n g a n d h e a ti n g r e t a i l e r s ince 2 0 0 9 , b u t the f a m i l y h a s b e e n in the b a t h r o o m s h o w r o o m b u s i n e s s fo r o v e r t h i r t y y e a r s . www.weheat.co.uk B E S T S E L L E R S H E A T E D T O W E L R A IL S We have been manufacturing and selling Heated Towel Rails for nearly ten years and know what makes a great towel rail. TOWEL RAILS D E S I G N E R R A D I A T O R S Specialists in Designer Radiators since 2009, WeHeat is able to provide the right designer radiator suitable with your need to provide you with warm, feel great throughout the whole year. RADIATORS B E S T S E L L E R S HEATED DESIGNE ALUMINIU TOWEL R M RAILS RADIATO RADIATOR RS S ADDRESS 40 Moorside Business Park, Eastgates ColchesterEssex CO1 2ZF EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected] PHONE NUMBER 0844 504 6767 www.weheat.co. uk CONTACT US