Uploaded on Sep 13, 2022
Erectile dysfunction is a common condition that affects many men of all ages. According to the Urology Care Foundation, an estimated 30 million men in the United States suffer from some form of erectile dysfunction. It is not a disease but rather a symptom of another underlying medical condition such as diabetes or heart disease. The Acoustic Wave treatment is ideal for men who are looking for a drug-free option to treat their symptoms of ED.
Acoustic Wave Treatment
Acoustic Wave Therapy for Treating Erectile Dysfunction Sound wave therapy is an age-old healing technology. Medical practitioners have used wave therapy for many years to treat various orthopedic issues, such as healing broken bones and repairing injured l igaments and tendons. Here, at the West Coast Men's Health Clinic, we believe in treating the problem from the root cause. Hence, we have embraced Acoustic Wave Therapy in treating Erectile Dysfunction. The method has recorded an excellent success rate with most of our cl ients, and you, too, could benefi t from this treatment option. What is Acoustic Wave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction? Acoustic wave therapy, also known as shock wave therapy for ED, is a low-intensity shock wave technology that, when applied to the penile region, helps regenerate blood vessels. Similarly, acoustic wave therapy helps break down built-up plaque in existing blood vessels, limiting blood flow to the penis. A low supply of blood to the penis consequently causes erectile dysfunction. Who can benefit from Acoustic Wave Therapy for ED? A recent study has shown that this issue affects over 52% of men, and the numbers are likely higher among older men – men who are 45 years or older. In some men, especially younger men, ED can be an occasional occurrence that can be caused by; • Life stressors. • Anxiety and depression. • Smoking and excessive intake of alcohol. • Poor dieting. • Lack of exercise. In older men, ED can be more frequent and is mainly attributed to; • Low testosterone levels. • Underlying medical conditions include diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases. • Certain prescription medications. How long is the Acoustic Wave Treatment Option? Treatment for erectile dysfunction often varies from one person to another. Hence, it is essential to first get a diagnosis for your specific issue. Getting a diagnosis for ED involves several steps, including; Oral Examination Your healthcare provider wil l ask quest ions about your health, sexual history, and symptoms to understand your ED's severity. Some questions that may be asked include; How long have you had this problem? How frequently do you have sexual intercourse? Have you recently been under a lot of stress? Do you have any problems having sexual desires? What is the s tate of your current relat ionship? Do you have any underlying medical condit ions? Physical Examination The purpose of a physical examination is to check your overall health. For this, your doctor will; Look at your penis and testicles and evaluate your nerve sensation. Conduct a rectal examination to check your prostate. Check your blood pressure. Examine your lungs and heart West Coast Men's Health Address - 907 N Elm St, Suite 206, City – Chicago, IL Phone No - 630-908-7082 Website - https://www.westcoastmenshe alth.com