8 Common Behavioural Addictions


Uploaded on Jul 18, 2020

Behavioural addictions are when individuals continue to do something, even when they know that it is incorrect and can lead to negative consequences. Here are the 8 most common behavioural addictions.



8 Common Behavioural Addictions

8 Common Behavioural Addictions Behavioural Addictions Behavioural addictions are when individuals continue to do something, even when they know that it is incorrect and can lead to negative consequences. 8 Common Behavioural AHerde adre ithcet 8i moosnt csommon behavioural addictions:  Gambling Addiction  Sexual Addiction  Internet Addiction  Spending Disorder  Gaming Addiction  Work Addiction  Eating Disorder  Risky Behavior Gambling Addiction  Gambling is a behavioural addiction that closely resembles drug and alcohol addiction. According to the American Psychiatric Association, it is classified as an addictive disorder.  The treatment for gambling disorder is very similar to the therapy settings of alcohol and drug de-addiction.  Sexual Addiction  A symptom of compulsive sexual behaviour disorder is porn addiction.  Many patients watch porn at a very young age and then continue to habitually view pornography until it results in negative consequences.   Internet Addiction  Some people spend about 11 hours of the day on the web. These are internet addicts and face negative repercussions at work and at home.  Spending Disorder  Buying a new pair of dresses, shoes or treating yourself to something new because you deserve it arouses a good feeling.  But some people spend money to the point that they cannot stop. And this behaviour can result in unpayable debt, bankruptcy, and sometimes homelessness.  Gaming Addiction  Persistent and recurrent use of internet games, and thinking about gaming during other activities are signs of gaming addiction.  Work Addiction  This behavioural addiction, also known as workaholism, is a serious mental health condition. It refers to the compulsive inability to stop working with a focus on success. Some workaholics work in excess to escape a physical, emotional, or mental crisis.  Eating Disorder  A person with a compulsive eating disorder might binge or purge until they begin to feel sick, and in some cases, ashamed.   Risky Behavior  Thrill-seekers have symptoms similar to drug addicts. They experience a rush from rock climbing or skydiving. However, after a while, they need even more adventurous activities to go through the same level of excitement.  General Addiction Treatment  Serene Life Hospital offers alcohol de-addiction therapies, rehabilitation treatment, detoxification, and other general behaviour therapies to help individuals get rid of such challenges.  Thank s